November 22, 2019, by Mei Kee Lee

Alumni Testimonial: Yeshmita Buxani (2017)

As an international student from Hong Kong, enrolling myself onto the MPharm course at UNMC has given me excellent academic and experiential exposure. Being able to complete the course in two very diverse countries has not only prepared me to take on the role as a pre-reg trainee with the United Lincolnshire Hospital NHS Trusts, but has also shaped me into a well-rounded, open-minded individual.

The shift from Malaysia to the UK was extremely exciting for our entire cohort. We were all nervous, yet enthusiastic to continue tackling the challenges of the course, in a completely different cultural setting, much further away from the warmth of the equator. Alongside the geographical change, the practice of the pharmacy in UK was also of great interest to us.

During the two years in the UK, all of us MPharm students were very lucky to gain experiential exposure via self-speculated and university-arranged work placements. The placements across the community and hospital setting place us in a much more informed position to apply for a pre-reg position, as we are able to better comprehend the similarities and differences between the primary and secondary care settings, whilst also understanding the requirements and competitiveness of the industrial sector.

Having experienced the application procedure, I strongly advise students to get involved during placements, and begin looking to apply for prospective pre-reg positions by the second semester of Year 3 at the latest, as this is the ideal time in the course to consider the wide spectrum of opportunities.

UoN prepares us very well to secure a position we desire. It provides us with the opportunity to seize every moment to develop ourselves into competent professionals to successfully tackle the challenges of the pre-reg year. While the informative academic modules, busy laboratory sessions, research projects and assessments in various forms provide core competencies, I believe that getting involved in extra-curricular opportunities truly sets you apart as an individual.

The extra-curricular opportunities available across both campuses are endless. They are well-suited to individuals with varying interests. From cultural events to charitable occasions or sports competitions, the advantages that result from a little bit of time management and stepping out of our comfort zones provide us with an enjoyable study break and a chance to meet people from across the world, which is truly priceless.

Upon arriving at UoN, I took on the role of the 2+2 MPharm representative, to make sure the transition during the Year 3 was comfortable and smooth for all students. By arranging activities, answering questions and appropriately signposting students, the Pharmnotts committee takes an active role in making sure the move is as easy as can be. In addition, upon arrival, each student is allocated a third-year buddy from the UK campus to further provide a local introduction to the beautiful campus and the logistics of the overwhelming number of offices, which I find extremely helpful.

Having completed the course, I recommend all students to take on challenges, meet people, and seize every opportunity to work in a pharmacy. Learn from the excellent academics and mentors across all sectors of care, as everyone I have met till now is more than happy to share valuable knowledge, so don’t be afraid to ask!

Yeshmita is currently working at the United Lincolnshire Hospital NHS Trusts, UK.

Posted in AlumniMPharm