February 8, 2022, by ZY
School of Pharmacy Bagged Four Prizes in Postgraduate Research Showcase 2021
The School of Pharmacy and Division of Biomedical Sciences have bagged four prizes in the Virtual Faculty of Science and Engineering Postgraduate Research (FOSE PGR) Showcase 2021!
The winners and their presentation titles are:
GRAND PRIZE : Low Hui Ching
Presentation: Controlling Diabetes Through Low GI-Coloured Rice?
2nd RUNNER UP: Azrina Ely
Presentation: Health Literacy and Self Care in Diabetes Management
GRAND PRIZE: Paulina Tan Pei Suu
Poster: Exosomal MicroRNAs for Early Detection of Hypertension
2nd RUNNER UP: Jessica Ooi (shared)
Poster: Simple Nanosensor for Visual Detection of Ovarian Cancer Biomarker miRNA-665
Testimonials from the winners:

Low Hui Ching (Biomedical Sciences PhD student supervised by Dr Pung Yuh Fen)
My project is looking into the possible effects of low-GI coloured rice in the management of diabetes. For the showcase, I formulated my main points around my research question: the possible clinical outcomes and modification in the mitochondria in response to the rice. From the showcase, I learnt the necessity of presenting a project in a concise and easy to understand manner. Overall, the showcase was enlightening, and I was exposed to other fields and individuals that otherwise I would not have been able to meet. I am grateful for the opportunity and I highly encourage others to do so.

Jessica Ooi Sui Ying (Pharmacy PhD student supervised by Dr New Siu Yee)
It’s important to use as little jargon as possible and use figures/schemes rather than a lot of texts. Therefore, designing a poster did really challenge my creativity. Also, understanding the big picture, i.e. the purpose/advantages of the project, helped me to decide what details to include. I find that having to communicate my project using a poster helps me to understand my project better. The process also helps me to reflect on my progress. Therefore, it helps me to identify my next course of action.

Azrina Ely Binti Ahmad Azhari (Pharmacy PhD student supervised by Dr Jim Chai)
My research focuses on the areas of type 2 diabetes, health literacy and self-care where I am exploring both patients’ and pharmacists’ experiences and perceptions on disease knowledge and management to empower self-care behaviours.
Presenting your research to the public can be a daunting task because you need to convey your research in a simple and easy language. The feedback and questions you received during the PG showcase help in sharpening your skills on how to present in a non-scientific way for everyone to understand your research. So, I would highly recommend all my postgraduate peers to join the showcase. When preparing for any presentations, you need to know who your audience is.
Keep your poster/slide simple and use attractive colours to attract people’s attention. Also, get feedbacks from your supervisors and your friends and family before submitting your final poster or slide as they might be able to see something that you have missed. Lastly, practice presenting and timed yourself to ensure you do not go off the time limit.
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