May 27, 2022, by Lisa Chin
Graduate School Bulletin, June 2022
Bulletin Issue 04/22 (40)
The needs of the postgraduate and early career researcher community are at the heart of what we do at the Graduate School.
Read on for all the latest news from us.
News and guidance
Winners announced: Tri Campus Awards 2022
These prestigious awards celebrate outstanding postgraduate researchers, research supervisors and postdoctoral researchers across the University of Nottingham and recognise accomplishments in research, publications, conferences and contributions to the postgraduate and research community.
This year the awards ceremony took place on Tuesday 12 May 2022 and was streamed live. Here is a snapshot of the award winners:
Postgraduate Award Winners
Chong Zhi Xiong, School of Pharmacy
Hina Kamal, School of Biosciences
Chong Jia Wen, Department of Chemical & Environmental Engineering
Outstanding Research Supervisor Award Winners
Professor Asgar Ali, School of Biosciences
Professor Show Pau-Loke, Department of Chemical & Environmental Engineering
Dr Lee Kean Wah, School of Education
Postgraduate Research Award Winner for Outstanding Contribution to the Research Community
Chen Hui Ling, School of Environmental & Geographical Sciences
Research Team Award Winner for Most Supportive/Inclusive Research Environment
Professor Ting Kang Nee, School of Pharmacy and her research team
Postgraduate Assistant Award Recipients
Winner: Pang Li Yin, School of Pharmacy
Highly Commended: Elynn Tan, School of Media, Languages & Cultures
Final call for applications: UNM PhD Scholarship
The application call for UNM PhD Scholarship is still open to high-achieving final year (Year 3/ Year 4) undergraduate students of UNM with potential First Class Honours, and final semester Master’s students of UNM. This competitive scholarship offers full tuition fee waiver for the three years of the PhD programme at UNM.
Closing date: Sunday 29 May 2022
Reminder: Research Integrity Week
The University is committed to embedding a culture of research integrity and good research practice. Research Integrity Week (20-24 June 2022) underlines this commitment and researchers across our UK, China and Malaysia campuses are invited to register for online sessions on:
An introduction to the Code of Research Conduct and Research Ethics
Good research practice and a healthy research culture
Papers, Publications and Retractions
Trusted Research
Gathering Research Data Online: Ethical Considerations
Digital Research and Libraries supporting Research Integrity
Research Ethics and Big Data
Events and activities
Research Supervisor Series: Introduction to UNM’s Quality Manual expectations for PGRs
Friday 24 June 2022
10am – 12nn
*For research supervisors only
At the University of Nottingham, all research students follow a series of assessments and monitoring throughout their period of supervised study. The basic principles of the assessment and monitoring process (i.e. supervision and annual review) are common to all research students and all years of registration. This session aims to share information on key stages of the annual review process and roles of supervisor in meeting the university requirements and ensuring satisfactory progression. Case studies involving common and uncommon scenarios will also be highlighted and discussed.
Coffee & Cake session
Friday 24 June 2022
3pm – 4pm
It’s back! We are resuming this in-person social gathering event on campus. Our Coffee and Cake session is open to all our postgraduate students including postgraduate research students (PGRs) and postgraduate taught students (PGTs).
A raft of research shows that taking break boosts productivity. Something about taking a break outside of work/study space refreshes us. It is always a good idea to come for our Coffee and Cake session where it provides you with a much-needed breather. So come and join the rest of the postgraduate community and enjoy the free refreshments! RSVP is required by Friday 17 June 2022 as space is limited, subject to first-come-first-serve basis.
Coming soon: UNM 2022 3MT®
An 80,000 word PhD thesis would take 9 hours to present. Your time limit… 3 minutes.
Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) is an academic research communication competition. It challenges research students to communicate the significance of their research work to a non-specialist audience in just three minutes. The competition is open to PhD students who have passed their first-year confirmation review.
After two years of virtual competition due to Covid-19, we will have a physical live event this year, tentatively scheduled for August 2022. Call for participation will be posted soon where you can find out more detailed information.
Find out more and see our past winners
Training and development
Find out more about our training and development provision for postgraduate students.
We are now offering a blended approach for our training courses with a combination of online platform (MS Teams) and face-to-face (on-campus). We are adopting new arrangements to meet the new norms while ensuring all our courses are accessible to all our postgraduate students.
Researcher Development Programme (RDP)
What do I want to get out of a conference
Wednesday 8 June 2022, 10am – 12nn
This course will discuss key issues when choosing a conference and how to maximise participation.
Sign up
Introduction to the skills of teamwork
Tuesday 14 June 2022, 10am – 12nn
This course will highlight the benefits of teamwork as well as identify and analyse the features of an effective team.
Sign up
Presentation skills: Building your confidence
Tuesday 21 June 2022, 10am – 12nn
This course will consider and discuss the skills of preparing an effective presentation. It is a prerequisite to the practical sessions.
Sign up
Presentation skills: Practical
Tuesday 21 June 2022, 2pm – 4pm
Wednesday 22 June 2022, 10am – 12nn
These practical sessions will provide a friendly platform to practise and improve the skills of delivering an effective presentation. *Please make sure you have met the prerequisite before attending the session. You can choose one of the two available practical sessions.
Sign up
Other support
Writing consultation
The Centre of English Language and Foundation Education (CELFE) is resuming its offering of one-to-one writing consultation service specifically for postgraduate students.
These sessions, schedule by appointments only, provide personalised task-specific writing support for postgraduate students with the goal of helping you become a better writer. They do not provide proofreading or editing service for students’ theses and dissertations.
You can now make appointments to meet with the writing consultant during summer to work on your writing tasks.
For any queries, please email in-sessional.english@nottingham.edu.my.
Find out more and make an appointment
Empowering your postgraduate and research ambition
Look out for our next issue of newsletter next month!
Don’t forget you can get in touch with us via Facebook or by email at graduateschool@nottingham.edu.my.
In the meantime, please continue to observe and follow the safety advice and precautionary measures by our local authorities and University.
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