March 1, 2013, by khyx2lyn

Welcome to Psychobabble!


Hello psychobabblers – and welcome to the School of Psychology at UNMC’s very own blog! I am hugely excited that this blog is up and running through the combined efforts of Ms Yvonne Teoh & Ms Lee Yee Mun, along with Dr. Ian Stephen. I hope that this blog will be a forum for us to learn a little bit more about psychology and probably a whole lot more about each other: what are lecturers doing all day when they aren’t teaching classes? What do students think of the Malaysian Psychology Conference? How difficult is it to stage a Psychsoc event?

We spend a lot of time honing students’ abilities to craft the perfect essay or lab report and this is because technical writing in appropriate language is a massively important skill for a psychologist to obtain. Nevertheless, I’d like to think that this is a place where staff and students can discuss their reactions to research in ways that wouldn’t be formal enough for their academic studies. Perhaps this is forum for them to wildly speculate about the potential implications of a new finding reported in the newspaper last week; a place where they can describe their delight or scepticism about a particular technique or area of investigation. And of course, a place where they can comment on and react to other people’s posts too.

Perhaps the most exciting aspect of this new venture is that I actually have no idea what direction this blog will take – that’s because this blog belongs to the School as a whole, and will be an expression of the collective consciousness that is UNMC Psychology! I for one can’t wait to see what we come up with. So I encourage everyone: staff, postgrads and undergrads alike to get involved and get writing. Let the blogging begin… 

UNMC's School of Psychology

Dr. Lizzy Sheppard
(Associate Professor & Head of School of Psychology, UNMC)

Posted in blogdegreeintroductionLecturerpostgraduatepsychobabblepsychsocresearchstudent lifeundergraduateunmc