Information & Updates for PGRs

EURAXESS Science Slam 2014 EURAXESS – Researchers in Motion is a unique pan-European initiative providing access to a complete range of information and support services to researchers wishing to pursue their research careers in Europe or stay connected to it. EURAXESS Links ASEAN is once again looking for ASEAN’s best science slammers! The first prize …

UNMC Research Showcase 2014 – Overall Winner

The six finalists of UNMC Research Showcase 2014 presented their poster to a panel of judges from the UK Campus, via video conference on 23 May 2014.                 The six finalists (picture above – from left to right) are: (1) Renu GHEETA BAI from the Department of Chemical …

PhD Scholarships

Applications are invited to undertake postgraduate research within the Ningbo Nottingham International Academy for the Marine Economy and Technology (IAMET), a new centre of excellence for marine-related research and business engagement. The scholarships are based at the University of Nottingham Ningbo Campus, China.  Applications will be considered until the five scholarships have been awarded, but …

UNMC Research Showcase 2014

Research has the potential to change the world – or at least a small part of it!   The Graduate School held its annual Research Showcase on Friday, 16 May 2014.     The participants were first required to submit a press release outlining their research work and why it is of interest to the …