November 24, 2014, by Deepa Kumari Veerasingam
Images of Research Photography Competition 2014
The Research Training and Academic Development (RTAD) organised its inaugural Images of Research Photography Competition this year. Postgraduate students and early career researchers were invited to capture the essence of their research with a single photographic image that they have taken themselves, accompanied by an abstract that articulates how the image relates to their research.
14 entries were received and all postgraduate community were invited to vote [online voting and physical voting] for the People’s Choice Award. The entries were displayed and showcased during two separate exhibitions on campus.
The official judging and announcement of winners took place on 13th November 2014 in the Great Hall. Renu Geetha Bai, a second year PhD student from the Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, won both awards – Overall Winner and People’s Choice.
Entries were judged by a multidisciplinary panel for:
- Quality of photographic image (visual);
- Quality of abstract;
- Connection between the image narrative and research;
- Creativity and originality;
- Overall impression (visual impact).
We would like to thank the panel of judges – Dr Nashiru Billa, Dr Thomas Barker, Dr Tissa Chandesa, Ms Diana Chee and Ms Vivi Lim, led by Dr Christopher Hill.
We would also like to take this opportunity to thank Canon Malaysia for their generous sponsorship of the prizes. The competition showed the diversity and breadth of research at UNMC and the participants were able to gain the experience in communicating their research creatively through different medium rather than the traditional method of presentation.Congratulations once again to all the participants on their commendable effort!
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