Anatomy of a Good Journal Paper Workshop

A workshop entitled Anatomy of a Good Journal Paper was conducted by Dr Hon Loong Lam, an Associate Professor from the Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering on Tuesday, 8th December 2015. In the workshop, Dr Lam discussed effective ways to write up key parts of a journal paper, with emphasis on the aspects that are …

UNMC Graduate School Christmas Party

So it’s that time of the year again where the Christmas trees are brought out, Christmas carols play in the background while colleagues at the University decorate their offices with Christmas ornaments. Its the festive season and a reason to celebrate the year end!!! In line with this, the Graduate School recently held its annual Christmas party on …

Give it a try!

This post is written by Yin Leng Kua, PhD candidate, Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering. Often, I tell this to the undergraduate students during tutorial classes. I applied this on myself, as I have been involved in most of the presentation opportunities that came to me. Since April 2014, I had presented for a …

Candy Guess Game

May the odds be ever in your favour. All UNMC postgraduate students (Masters and PhD) are welcome to guess the total number of candies and chocolates in the jar. The person with the right or closest guess will win a prize! Simply: get a piece of the entry sheet available at the Postgraduate Hub, H1B12. …

[Invitation] UNMC Graduate School Christmas Party

We are pleased to invite all our postgraduate students to our annual Christmas Party. Please refer to the flyer appended herewith for details. *Please RSVP your attendance via our email invitation sent on Thursday, 10th December 2015.

Nucleus, December 2015 Edition

Nucleus is a monthly newsletter of Research Training and Academic Development (RTAD). It provides monthly updates on recent and upcoming activities by RTAD. December edition of Nucleus is appended herewith, for your viewing and reading pleasure. Alternatively, click here to view the web version. We welcome you to write to us at or with any …

UNMC Graduate School Deepavali Open House

The Festival of Lights needs no introduction in Malaysia. Celebrated with equal fervour alongside Hari Raya Aidilfitri and Chinese New Year, Deepavali signifies the victory of good over evil, knowledge over ignorance, and hope over despair. Deepavali, also known as Diwali, is celebrated by Hindus across the world and it is the most important festival …

Graduate School Reward Scheme: New Merchandise Available

The Graduate School Reward Scheme rewards postgraduate students who attend the Graduate School training courses i.e. Researcher Development Programme (RDP) and Postgraduate Student Teachers (PST) courses. Simple: collect a reward card from us ask the trainer to initial and date each Graduate School training course you attend Once your card is complete you can exchange …

Images of Postgraduate Experience Photography Competition

Following the favourable outcome of the Images of Research Photography Competition held last year, the UNMC Graduate School had organised yet another photography competition this year with a different theme – Images of Postgraduate Experience. The Images of Postgraduate Experience Photography Competition was open to all our postgraduate students. They were invited to capture the …

[Invitation] Deepavali Open House

We are pleased to invite all our postgraduate students for an Open House in conjunction with the festive celebration of Deepavali, also known as Diwali or the Festival of Lights. Deepavali is celebrated by those of Hindu faith and just like the other festivals in Malaysia, it is a great occasion for people of all …