April 28, 2015, by Lisa Chin

Coffee and Cake Session: Health and Fitness

You cannot buy your health; you must earn it through healthy living. – Dr Joel Fuhrman

A Coffee and Cake session was held on Friday, 24th April 2015. The session featured an enlightening talk on healthy living by two representatives from the UNMC Fitness Club, Ravinraj Anboselvan and Imran Muhammad. The talk, which marked the very first Coffee and Cake session to be video-recorded, aimed to reach out to the postgraduate community in getting started with living healthy by eating right and exercising regularly.

The talk began with an emphasis of the importance of health and fitness. Imran iterated that healthy living is within our reach, starting today. “Sure, healthy living is a long-term commitment, not a flash-in-the-pan fad. But there are steps you can take right now that will make today healthier than yesterday and pave the way for healthy living tomorrow. Fitness is a lifestyle.


Imran is an undergraduate student from the School of Psychology. He is one of the fitness coaches on the UNMC Fitness Club.

Along with healthy eating, regular exercise is also crucial. The session continued with a brief and interactive demonstration on simple yet effective exercises that we can do and incorporate in our daily routine e.g. walking, squat and burpee. The burpee is a full exercise used in strength training and as an aerobic exercise. The basic movement is performed in four steps and known as “four-count burpee”.

The talk also featured some effective tips on losing weight healthily by calculating and monitoring our calorie intake. Ravin shared his own personal journey from fat to fabulous and recommended some diet and meal plans that are easy to follow amidst our busy schedule.


Ravin is an undergraduate student from the Department of Mechanical, Materials and Manufacturing Engineering. He is the President of the UNMC Fitness Club.

In line with the theme, fruits and vegetables salad were served instead of the usual coffee and cake.

The videos of the talk will be available soon and we will make the necessary announcement through email and Facebook platforms in due course.

We would like to express our heartiest gratitude to Ravin and Imran for their time and commendable effort in promoting health and fitness. The talk was indeed beneficial to the postgraduate community towards achieving work-life balance. Most importantly, the talk provided us with the motivation, method and meaning towards living a healthier life.

If you would like to find out more about UNMC Fitness Club, please get in touch via their Facebook platform.

Posted in News and EventsPostgraduate life