September 11, 2015, by Lisa Chin

My PhD World

This post is contributed by Wei Ling Chow, a final PhD student from the Department of Chemical & Environmental Engineering.  

I am currently in the final year of my PhD. I am very fortunate that my PhD is sponsored by Biotec International Asia where I get the opportunity to be a part-time employee and a full-time student. I get to experience the working world as well as enjoy the flexible leisure time of being a student at the same time. Looking back at my journey from Day 1, I was at a crossroad and very confused if this direction was the right path for me. Having graduated with a Bioscience Degree, I struggled with the adaptation process of undertaking a PhD in Engineering . In all honesty, it wasn’t smooth sailing. Sometimes I felt that I’ve made a mistake and the research world is not for me. I would get bored with the repetitive laboratory routines and my constant doubt about the actual direction of my project. With all these uncertainties around me, I decided to get involved and be engaged with various competitions to get some sort of inspiration.


To my surprise, during my first poster competition, I was awarded the winner of Malaysia Water Day 2014. Following that, I was awarded the second runner up for the Faculty of Engineering research showcase and best poster for the Graduate School research showcase in Nottingham. The more I participated in various competitions, the more I grew in confidence, self-belief and became more comfortable in my undertakings. The three wins have greatly elevated my research profile through the recognition of my research contribution to the industry and this act as a great encouragement for me to further explore my project. Not to mention the conferences which I have attended have further enriched my networking experience. For me, personally, the most memorable conference was my very first conference in Perth, Australia. Besides the excitement for being able to attend a conference during my freshman year (a big yay!), it was really inspiring that my research can have on people and the world around. That is when I fully realised my passion for interactive environment and developing networking skills.


I have learnt so much within the past 2 years. I am thankful to the many helpful programmes hosted by the Graduate School, especially the Three Minute Thesis Competition (3MT®). It has shaped me to be fearless in public speaking and dare to try doing things outside my comfort zone. I now see every new problem I encounter as my new learning experience. I have also developed a thick skin along the way, simply because opportunity does not always come naturally. In order to get something you want, you have to ask, even though, you know you might get rejected, sometimes. Experiences have taught me to just keep trying and never give up. Let’s be honest, academia is a tough ride. I have endured the experience of excitement, ignorance, struggling, self-lifting, assuring and hopefully, soon, seeing-the-light-at-the-end-of-the-PhD-tunnel. Through these experiences, I have found myself, my true passion and the meaning of PhD. I continually live by this quote: “Dont’t live the same year 75 times and call it life” – Robin Sharma.

Posted in News and EventsPostgraduate life