Graduate School Reward Scheme: New Merchandise Available

The Graduate School Reward Scheme rewards postgraduate students who attend the Graduate School training courses i.e. Researcher Development Programme (RDP) and Postgraduate Student Teachers (PST) courses. Simple: collect a reward card from us ask the trainer to initial and date each Graduate School training course you attend Once your card is complete you can exchange …

Images of Postgraduate Experience Photography Competition

Following the favourable outcome of the Images of Research Photography Competition held last year, the UNMC Graduate School had organised yet another photography competition this year with a different theme – Images of Postgraduate Experience. The Images of Postgraduate Experience Photography Competition was open to all our postgraduate students. They were invited to capture the …

[Invitation] Deepavali Open House

We are pleased to invite all our postgraduate students for an Open House in conjunction with the festive celebration of Deepavali, also known as Diwali or the Festival of Lights. Deepavali is celebrated by those of Hindu faith and just like the other festivals in Malaysia, it is a great occasion for people of all …

The joy of writing: thesis write-up

This post is written by Maysoun A. Mustafa, PhD candidate, CEPD, UNMC. I always enjoyed writing. Be it for academic or recreational purposes; scientific or non-scientific audiences, I have always regraded writing as a pleasurable exercise. Thus, as a lab-based PhD student, it does not come as a surprise that I would always fantasise about …

[Exhibition & Voting] Images of Postgraduate Experience Photography Competition

We are pleased to invite all UNMC staff and students to vote for the People’s Choice Award for Images of Postgraduate Experience Photography Competition. The competition is designed for postgraduate students to take interesting and innovative photographs that best capture their postgraduate experience. We will display these photographs at an exhibition next week and provide …

Nucleus, November 2015 Issue

Nucleus is a monthly newsletter of Research Training and Academic Development (RTAD). It provides monthly updates on recent and upcoming activities by RTAD. November issue of Nucleus is appended herewith, for your viewing and reading pleasure. We welcome you to write to us at or with any suggestions and ideas that you would …