FameLab Malaysia is back!

Calling all young Malaysian scientists with a passion for public engagement to participate in FameLab Malaysia 2016! FameLab is inviting scientists, mathematicians and engineers across Malaysia to take part in its flagship science communications competition. Contestants have just 3 minutes to convey a scientific concept of their choice. They will be judged by leading researchers, media personalities …

My experience participating in the Graduate School photography competition

This post is contributed by Wei Ling Chow, 3rd year PhD student, Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering. It was really an exciting experience participating in last year’s photography competition. This is because I am neither a  professional photographer nor do I have a deep passion for photography. However, I do love to casually capture …

Postgraduate Teaching Assistant Award 2016

We are pleased to announce that the Postgraduate Teaching Assistant Award 2016 is now open to all UNMC postgraduate research students and research-only postdocs who teach. The flyer detailing the award is appended herewith. Alternatively, click here to view the online version. We would strongly encourage those who are eligible to submit your application. Please …

Nucleus, January 2016 Edition

Nucleus is a monthly newsletter of the Graduate School. It provides monthly updates on recent and upcoming activities by the Graduate School. January 2016 edition of Nucleus is appended herewith, for your viewing and reading pleasure. Alternatively, click here to view the web version. We welcome you to write to us at graduateschool@nottingham.edu.my with any …