[Invitation] Coffee and Cake Session: Chinese New Year Celebration

We are pleased to invite all our postgraduate students to join us for an interactive celebration of Chinese New Year. Details are on the flyer appended herewith. We look forward to seeing you there! *Please RSVP your attendance via our email invitation dated 19th February 2016. For any queries, please contact us via email at graduateschool@nottingham.edu.my.

UNMC Research Showcase 2016 – Entries are now open!

Tell us how your research makes an impact! Our annual Research Showcase is back! The Research Showcase gives UNMC Postgraduate Research Students the chance to share their research with new audiences and tell the world how their research makes an impact. This year’s Research Showcase will be held on Wednesday 27th April 2016 where the top …

Writing a review paper – A student’s perspective

This post is written by Suganti Ramarad, PhD candidate, Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering. As a PhD student, I feared the thought of writing my thesis. It’s an exhausting, time consuming and very much scientific writing journey. Hence, I broke my thesis into sections that I worked on continuously from the start of my …

Analyse, Propose & Get Funded!

This post is written by Dr Jiin Woei Lee, Research Training Development Manager, UNMC Graduate School.  The ringing of bells, the laughter and cheering, and the atmosphere of competition… That was some of the happenings at the course “Analyse, Propose & Get Funded!”. 18 postgraduates from all 3 faculties – Engineering, Science and Arts and …

Meet the new Head of UNMC Graduate School

While several of the UNMC Graduate School team members may be familiar to you, we would like to introduce our newest addition to the team. We are pleased to inform that Deepa Kumari Veerasingam is the new Head of the Graduate School at UNMC. Deepa remains responsibility for the MyMentor initiative and this is now …

Nucleus, February 2016 Edition

Nucleus is a monthly newsletter of the Graduate School. It provides monthly updates on recent and upcoming activities by the Graduate School. We are pleased to introduce a new column on Nucleus called The View by…, where members of the academic staff and/or postgraduate students share valuable knowledge and experiences. We hope this column provides …