Images of Postgrad Experience Photo Competition 2016 – Part III

The Images of Postgraduate Experience Photography Competition, organised by the Graduate School, challenges the postgraduate students to capture people’s interest and enthuse them about their postgraduate experience at The University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus (UNMC). The theme this year is ‘Through the Lens’ where postgraduate students can express, demonstrate and share their postgraduate experience from …

Images of Postgrad Experience Photo Competition 2016 – Part II

The Images of Postgraduate Experience Photography Competition, organised by the Graduate School, challenges the postgraduate students to capture people’s interest and enthuse them about their postgraduate experience at The University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus (UNMC). The theme this year is ‘Through the Lens’ where postgraduate students can express, demonstrate and share their postgraduate experience from …

Research Boot Camp, October 2016

What do PhD students need to help them get started on their research degrees? The offering of the Researcher Development Programme (RDP) courses in the new academic term began with a Research Boot Camp. The boot camp was held from 10th to 14th October 2016. It was delivered by Dr Tissa Chandesa, Dr Jiin Woei Lee and …

Researcher Visibility

This post is written by Dr Maysoun Mustafa, CFF-UNMC Doctoral Training Programme Manager. As a researcher, no doubt the value of your work and its contribution to scientific and non-scientific communities depend on how well it is communicated with relevant parties. Researchers play a key role in disseminating information and increasing public awareness on various …

Images of Postgrad Experience Photo Competition 2016 – Part I

The Images of Postgraduate Experience Photography Competition, organised by the Graduate School, challenges the postgraduate students to capture people’s interest and enthuse them about their postgraduate experience at The University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus (UNMC). The theme this year is ‘Through the Lens’ where postgraduate students can express, demonstrate and share their postgraduate experience from …

The 3MT® Experience: Behind the Scenes

This post is written by Lillian Joyce Among Olule, 2016 UNMC 3MT® Winner and Recipient of People’s Choice Award. At the beginning of August I was definitely sure I was not going to compete in the 3MT® this time around. My reasons? Fear. Of public speaking. Of embarrassing myself. The second reason was the standard reason …

Nucleus, October 2016 Edition

Nucleus is a monthly newsletter of the Graduate School. It provides monthly updates on recent and upcoming activities by the Graduate School. October 2016 edition of Nucleus is appended herewith, for your viewing and reading pleasure. Alternatively, click here to view the web version. We welcome you to write to us at with any …

Vote for our 3MT® candidate!

The University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus (UNMC) has won the tri-campus round of the Three Minute Thesis Competition (3MT®)! Our very own Lillian Joyce Among Olule, a PhD student from the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, is now the entire University’s representative at the Universitas 21 (U21) final round. Her video, embedded herewith, can …

BamYield Scholarship

This post is contributed by Dr Maysoun Mustafa, CFF-UNMC Doctoral Training Programme Manager.  A three year fully funded PhD at the School of Biosciences, The University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus and BamYield Programme, Crops For the Future. The Project will be on: Genetic and trait charaterisation of farmer and genebank sources of bambara groundnut for …

Working in an Interdisciplinary Team

This post is written by Dr Maysoun Mustafa, CFF-UNMC Doctoral Training Programme Manager.  Interdisciplinary teams comprise of individuals with unique skills, expertise and knowledge, collectively forming a research team that aims to address a research problem that requires extensive expertise. Such expertise cannot be easily garnered from a single field, or even a single institution …