[Invitation] Researcher Boot Camp

The Graduate School, in collaboration with the faculties, is pleased to invite all researchers on campus to attend its inaugural summer boot camp. All postgraduate research students are welcome to attend. This boot camp covers topics that have been highlighted by researchers as areas where they would like more advice and practice-sharing opportunities. It is …

Research Showcase Experience #1

This post is written by Tham Shiau Ying, Overall Winner and the recipient of the Best Poster Award. I was a little apprehensive to begin with the task of preparing a 250 word press release in a simplistic layman version of my PhD work. Yet, the experience was both challenging and unique because I had …

Summer Course: Publishing in High Quality Journals

Most of you would have probably heard of the phrase “publish or perish”. This phrase reflects the importance of academic publishing. It is generally known that publishing in academia is important, but what about publishing during your PhD studies? Publishing is important if you want to remain in academia after your PhD. It does not …

Summer Course: Preparing for the Viva

Handing in a PhD thesis is a tremendous achievement, but it is not the end of the journey for doctoral students. The next step is to prepare for an intellectually-gruelling hurdle: a viva. This oral examination is where you will defend your thesis. To put it simply, you should think of it as a verbal …

Nucleus, June 2017

June 2017 edition of Nucleus is appended herewith, for your viewing and reading pleasure. Alternatively, click here to view the web version. We will be introducing a simplified version of our newsletter next month. The new version will provide monthly updates on upcoming events and activities by the Graduate School. Henceforth, the publication of Nucleus …