October 18, 2019, by Lisa Chin
Open Access week 2019 is coming to UNM!
This is posted on behalf of Professor Deborah Hall, Vice Provost (Research & Knowledge Exchange).
What is open access?
This refers to free-to-all, unrestricted online access to research outputs such as journal articles, conference posters, book chapters and even whole books.
As Vice Provost (Research and Knowledge Exchange), I’m often asked by academic staff if my budget will “pay for Open Access charges?” The answer is “Unfortunately no. UoN (like other universities) just doesn’t have a bottomless budget for such things”. But this does not mean that you are prohibited from publishing your research work in ways that people can openly access it. There are different ways to publish your research as open access which don’t involve paying fees. But you need to think SMART…. and to think early – don’t leave it to the last minute when you’ve got your article accepted by a publisher who then asks for your credit card details!
Next week, October 21-27, 2019, marks the 2019 International Open Access Week. This year’s theme, “Open for whom? Equity in open knowledge”, gives us all a chance at UNM to take a dive into Open Access.
What’s coming up in Open Access week?
At UNM, I’ll be posting a series of short blogs one for each day (Monday to Friday) covering introductions to different facets of Open Access. Green versus gold routes; Payment options; Different forms of creative Commons licensing; Using the Nottingham e-repository and ResearchGate in responsible ways; and the global trend towards Open Data.
At UNUK, the library team are organising a series of drop in sessions and workshops.
Online, you can follow international blogs and tweets. You can also join OpenAIRE for a series of (zoom-based) webinars, highlighting OpenAIRE activities, services and tools. To tempt you, on the programme this year are
Monday 21st at 11.00 CEST: OpenAPC – cost transparency of Open Access publishing
Monday 21st at 14.00 CEST : Research Data Management
Tuesday 22nd at 10.00 CEST: Horizon 2020 Open Science Policies and beyond
Friday 25th at 11.00 CEST: Plan S compliance for Open Access Journals – what we know so far and where we think we’re heading
Friday 25th at 14.00 CEST: From Open Science to Inclusive Science
Just register in advance and you’ll receive a link to join your webinar of choice. They’ll also be recorded.
I hope you are curious and engage in Open Access week to learn more about what’s happening in the global world of academic publishing.
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