April 17, 2020, by Lisa Chin
C0VID-19: Update for early career researchers (17 April 2020)
Ref. UNM/GS-ECR/C0VID-19/03/17/04/20
This is part 3 of our updates to our early career researcher (ECR) community which provides latest news and information from the Graduate School in light of the restricted movement order nationwide campus closure.
Don’t forget you can get in touch with us via Facebook or by email at rad@nottingham.edu.my.
Keep up to date
The University is regularly updating advice and general FAQs on C0VID-19 on its web page. Read more
The Vice Provost (Research and Knowledge Exchange) is also contributing to a more detailed page with guidance for postgraduate research students (PGRs) and research staff. Read more
A message from Professor Deborah Hall, Vice Provost (Research and Knowledge Exchange)
**Updated** Managing any serious impacts on your research
**New** Exceptional regulations for PGRs
**Updated** Extensions to your period of registered study
The C0VID-19 Impact Statement is now available for download so that Principal Investigators and PGRs can start to record severe impacts on their research projects. This is essential for being in a good position to renegotiate Terms and Conditions of any affected Grant Agreements.
Engage with us
We at the Graduate School is reaching out to you, ECRs, to find out more about what this situation (RMO/MCO) means to you as an upcoming researcher and how you are balancing it working from home. Please engage with us with your stories and we will be published it via our social platforms.
C0VID-19: Impact on higher education
The current pandemic has changed our ways of working and living our lives. Dr Aisha S. Ahmad from the University of Toronto explores the question of why we should ignore all that C0VID-19-inspired productivity pressure and learn to accept what is currently unfolding in front of us.
An early career researcher’s viewPOINT on online teaching
Are we seriously missing the POINT?
In this reflective blog post, Dr Csaba Zoltan Szabo from the School of Education, considers some evidence-based aspects of face-to-face teaching (not traditional by any means) and the challenges he has had in transferring these to an online platform (MS Teams) for a five-hour workshop on doing statistics in R.
Supervising Doctoral Studies (SDS) online course
With face-to-face classroom discussions prohibited during the C0VID-19 pandemic, the University of Nottingham offers a set of self-directed online modules for new supervisors and those who have more experience. The online course has interactive content such as videos, quizzes and a personal portfolio. You can use your university credentials to join the course. You may access the online course via the following link.
A webinar series by the British Malaysian Chamber of Commerce (BMCC)
BMCC is running a series of webinars during the RMO/MCO period. The topics are based on the responses that BMCC received from its recent survey conducted to assess the implications of C0VID-19 on businesses.
University of Nottingham Malaysia (UNM) is a Sterling member and so this enables us to have three complimentary passes. If you are interested, please email Deborah.Hall@nottingham.edu.my for the joining instructions.
Wellbeing support
We understand that this unprecedented situation can be very stressful and difficult to some of you. Please rest assured that wellbeing support is available to you.
Appointments can be made to talk to a counsellor/mental health advisor/disability officer via email WellbeingandLearning@nottingham.edu.my or call the emergency number for this support +60 19 2660691 (Vasu).
Human Resources recently shared a document on Mental Health Awareness. Learn more
Engaging via Microsoft Teams
We are happy to act as the mediator for any senior researchers to engage with early career researchers on issues pertaining to research sustainability during the C0VID-19 outbreak.
Issues may include (but not limited to) a chat about how you are currently coping with your research; how are you conducting your research when everything is shut down or unavailable; potential collaborations; a chat about future grant applications.
If you are interested, please get in touch with us via email to RAD@nottingham.edu.my.
RMO/MCO Phase 3
As we are now in the third phase of RMO/MCO, which commenced from 15 April 2020 onwards, please continue to observe and follow the safety advice and precautionary measures by our local authorities and University.
Take care of each other and continue to stay safe!
– written by Dr Tissa Chandesa, Research Training Development Manager
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