March 11, 2021, by Lisa Chin
U21 Images of Hope Competition
*This post advertises a new competition by U21. It is open to all our students and staff as the University is a member of U21.
We are pleased to circulate the advertisement of U21 Images of Hope Competition and would like to further encourage participation from all our students and staff, in particular postgraduate students and early career research staff.
‘Images of Hope’
COVID-19 has taught us much about how individuals and communities cope and take care of themselves and others during major crises. People have always found ways to reach out and inspire others during difficult times, and U21 wants to collect and share images from U21 students and staff of the affirmation, kindness and optimism that they have seen and/or experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic.
These images will be brought together in an exhibition and displayed during the U21 AGM and Annual Network Meeting in May 2021.
U21 invites staff and students in the network to submit photographs, or images of a piece of creative artwork, that represent their own experiences of positivity and endurance during the pandemic, using the following headings as a guide.
To find out more, including how to enter, please visit U21 website. The deadline for entries is Monday 29 March 2021.
Good luck!
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