July 30, 2021, by Lisa Chin

Postgraduate Showcase 2021: Call for participation is now open!

Postgraduate Showcase is a great opportunity for researchers like yourself to share with us the impact of your research work, refine your presentation skills as well as engage with a wider audience. This year, the competition will take place online where you will present your poster live to a panel of judges.

Present a poster that clearly describes your work to an intelligent audience with no prior knowledge in your research area. You may stand a chance to win conference funds worth RM 6,000!

Entries are invited from postgraduate research students (MRes, MPhil, PhD).

Why enter?

    • Develop your academic, presentation and research communication skills

    • Learn to design a poster that communicates your research work to an intelligent audience with no prior knowledge of your research area

    • Network with other researchers and build your profile

    • Win conference funds worth RM6,000 (Winner: RM3,000, 1st Runner up: RM2,000 and 2nd Runner up: RM1,000)

How to participate?

1. Design your poster

You are required to design a poster for the showcase that adheres to the University of Nottingham Malaysia branding and corporate guidelines.

There are no format requirements for the poster. The poster should be in A0 size, and it can be any orientation. Be creative! Organise text, images, and figures in the way that works best for your project.

Training and support

Participants are highly encouraged to attend the following workshop and feedback session.

Workshop – Using poster to communicate research
16 August, 2pm – 4pm
This course will introduce and support the creation and design of a poster that communicates research work in an innovative and informative manner.
Join now

Feedback session
18 August, 10am – 12nn
This session is provided for the participants to receive feedback on their poster creation.
Join now

2. Confirm your participation

Submit your poster *in both PDF and PPT formats, to graduateschool@nottingham.edu.my by Friday 20 August (12noon) to confirm your participation in this year’s competition.

3. Attend rehearsal session
Tuesday 7 September, 2pm – 3pm, Microsoft Teams

Participants are strongly encouraged to attend the rehearsal session to familiarise themselves with the approaches that will be taken for the 2021 online competition.

4. Present your research
Wednesday 8 September, 10am, Microsoft Teams

Present your research live in front of a panel of judges.

For more details of the competition and to view our past winners, please visit our Postgraduate Showcase webpage.

Posted in News and EventsPostgraduate lifeResearcher Development