March 18, 2015, by Lisa Chin

U21 Graduate Research Conference: Digital Future – Funding Opportunities

U21 Graduate Research Conference: Digital Future  

9th – 12th June 2015

At Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

The U21 Graduate Research Conference (GRC) is an annual interdisciplinary conference which provides research students an opportunity to enhance skills relevant to their research and career development.

The conference aims to provide attendees with an opportunity to develop a range of research skills in the way of oral and poster presentations as well as group discussion. Guest speakers and experts on the conference’s theme are also invited, contributing to the thought-provoking and stimulating event. The 2015 GRC will be hosted by Shanghai Jiao Tong University with the theme of Digital Future.

The University of Nottingham is invited to nominate three postgraduate research students to participate:

  1. One student to give an oral presentation
  2. One student to give a poster presentation
  3. One student to give either an oral or a poster presentation

U21 welcomes paper submissions and presentations from multiple disciplines and different domains that are related to the conference theme, which include, but are not limited to, those in the following areas:

  • Digital Technology
  • Digital Media
  • Digital Culture
  • Digital Life
  • International Digital Order
  • Digital Future and International Community


Call for Applications

This is an exciting opportunity for up to three postgraduate research students from the University of Nottingham campuses (UK, Malaysia and China) to attend this conference and present their research. Funding for registration, travel and subsistence will be provided. There is a competitive process to select outstanding three delegates – you are invited to submit a press release outlining your research to by mid-day on Wednesday 8th April 2015.

Click here for further information about the conference.

Successful Malaysia Campus candidate(s) will also need to present a research poster at the UNMC Research Showcase on Friday 8th May 2015.

Click here for further information about UNMC Research Showcase.


All the best and good luck!

Posted in News and EventsPostgraduate lifeResearcher Development