June 24, 2020, by kebzfsh
Well done, Chem Engers, 2020!
Chemical and Environmental Engineering conducted a virtual farewell session on 23 Jun with the graduating students. The session started with a briefing on pathway to become a Professional Engineer and Chartered Engineer. Chung Lim, the HoD walked through the procedures with the students on how to upgrade the IChemE membership from Student Member to Associate Member followed by procedures on how to registered with the Board of Engineers Malaysia as a Graduate Engineer.
Staff were invited to deliver short messages to the students, to summarise:
- Be successful in career, whilst uphold good values in life
- Chem Eng training is tough, but shaped the students well to face challenges in industry
- Be useful to the society, make positive impact to the society
- Stay connect with the department, the staff. From now onwards, we are friends
- Come back to the alma mater when opportunity arises, graduates are welcome to join the departmental and university alumni event, deliver guest lecture to future students in UNM, support the department in meeting stakeholders and panels and provide feedback about the programme and the education training
It is well known fact that the Chem Eng training in UNM is tough, the fact that the graduating students managed to go through Design Project (DPX) in year 3 DPX and MEng Project in year 4, the HoD declared that they are UNM Chem Eng Survivor.
Well done, Chem Engers and the department is proud of you all.
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