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Posts by kzzhg

Graduation Speech by Jasmin Irisha Jim Ilham

A very good afternoon to Professor Nick Miles, OBE, Pro-Vice Chancellor, University of Nottingham; Professor Graham Kendall, CEO, Provost of University Of Nottingham Malaysia Campus and Pro-Vice Chancellor of University of Nottingham, esteemed members of the faculty, distinguished guests, fellow graduates. Dear Class of 2017 – Congratulations! You made it. Today is your day. A special, momentous …

Graduation Speech by Linur Chubaev

Professor Sir David Greenaway, Vice-Chancellor, University of Nottingham; Professor Graham Kendall, CEO, Provost of University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus and Pro-Vice Chancellor of the University of Nottingham, Pro-Vice Chancellor of University of Nottingham Nick Miles esteemed members of the faculty, distinguished guests, fellow graduates. Good afternoon. My name is Linur Chubaev, I am coming from …