Study at University of Nottingham Malaysia!
August 4, 2017
Blog: UNM Campus News
Search for the University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus (UNMC) online and you would get a barrage of information on the courses offered, fun facts about the environment the University is situated in, the famous alumni, the first class facilities and much more. As such, this post will also add to the topic of why you …
Experience Sharing: Summer Internship at AstraZeneca
March 16, 2025
Blog: The UNM Pharmacist and Pharmaceutical Scientist
By Ms. Liew Xin Ying, who is currently a final year BSc (Hons) Pharmaceutical & Health Science student based at the University of Nottingham Malaysia. Where did you do your summer internship? How long was it? I applied for and secured a 3-month internship with AstraZeneca in the Corporate Affairs department, a role that was …
Celebrating the Success of the UNM Resume Competition 2024
January 2, 2025
Blog: UNMC Careers Advisory Service
In 2024, the UNM Resume Competition celebrated its 8th anniversary, reaffirming its commitment to fostering the art and importance of effective resume writing. Held from 7 to 26 October, the 2024 competition drew over 200 remarkable submissions across four categories: Foundation students, Year 1 & 2 students, Year 3 & 4 students, and Postgraduates. The …
Student Sharing: 2-week Summer School at UNM
August 12, 2024
Blog: UNM Biomedical Sciences
Written by Clarisse Lim Xin Qi, a Year 1 Bachelors of Biomedical Science student. Being part of the TMAB summer program as a participant and volunteer has been such an incredible experience! I’m grateful to have had the opportunity to learn more about neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) and traditional remedies from various guest lecturers, from …
Call for nominations and applications: Tri Campus Awards 2024
February 20, 2024
Blog: Graduate School Blog
Nominations & applications now open for our annual Tri Campus Awards These prestigious awards celebrate outstanding postgraduate researchers and research supervisors across the University of Nottingham. We invite you to apply and/or nominate those who deserve to be celebrated. This is an opportunity for us all to come together to recognise and celebrate colleagues who …
Cultivating Excellence: Highlights from the Senior Fellows Network Event
December 15, 2023
Blog: UNM Campus News
The inaugural Senior Fellows Network Forum, held at the University of Nottingham on November 10th, brought together distinguished educators from Malaysia and Singapore. Moderated by UNM’s Director of Nottingham Recognition Scheme, Ts. Jaya Kumar Karunagharan, the event served as a melting pot of insights, with speakers sharing wisdom and a shared commitment to advancing educational …
FAQs: Summer Internship at the University of Nottingham UK
October 27, 2022
Blog: Psychobabble
In this post, Nicole Koh tackles some questions students may have about the summer psychology internship programme at the University of Nottinghan UK FAQs 1. Do I need a VISA during this 3-month internship program in the UK? No, you do not require a student’s VISA for this internship. With a Malaysian passport, you are …
Internship Success Stories | Yasinda Samaranayake
September 30, 2022
Blog: School of Computer Science
Congratulations to Yasinda Samaranayake for his amazing contributions and experiences as an intern at Sysco Labs. We wish you all the best in the future and to an amazing career ahead!
Congratulations, new FOSE graduates!
February 24, 2021
Blog: UNM Science and Engineering
It has been a tough year, no doubt; not what a lot of students expect as their final year at university. The move towards a virtual environment, the isolation and lack of social interaction, new ways of assessment, and many more factors of distress caused by the pandemic, and yet, our graduates made it. Not …
A Journey of Raising Awareness on People with Special Needs – Ts. Dr. Bavani Ramayah
February 23, 2021
Blog: Sustainability and Social Responsibility
I am very grateful for being shortlisted for the Policy Impact and Public Engagement Awards. A dream that I have is huge and this recognition would be a stepping-stone for me to flourish as a responsible human to the society. I am a self-starter who embraces new ideas that could give positive impact towards society. …
COVID-19: support for postgraduate researchers and invitation to a virtual town hall
May 15, 2020
Blog: Malaysia Research and Knowledge Exchange
In my latest update, I am pleased to clarify news of support for the University’s PGRs whose studies have been affected by COVID-19, and supervisors. I’m also inviting UNM’s research community to join me at a virtual town hall meeting that will enable us to consider together what the “new normal” might look like for …
LSGPDF 2019: A Journey Towards Diversity and Growth
December 31, 2019
Blog: Donor Relations
My trip to the UK campus, from 13 to 20 November 2019, visiting the Faculty of Engineering, School of Computer Science, Psychology and Biosciences was truly an eye opening experience. I would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to all the UK colleagues for their warm hospitality and discussion sessions with me. Their enthusiasm …
Graduation Speech by Jasmin Irisha Jim Ilham
July 28, 2017
Blog: Our Graduation
A very good afternoon to Professor Nick Miles, OBE, Pro-Vice Chancellor, University of Nottingham; Professor Graham Kendall, CEO, Provost of University Of Nottingham Malaysia Campus and Pro-Vice Chancellor of University of Nottingham, esteemed members of the faculty, distinguished guests, fellow graduates. Dear Class of 2017 – Congratulations! You made it. Today is your day. A special, momentous …
American Disruption
January 23, 2017
Blog: Press Office
Professor Todd Landman reviews the inauguration of Donald Trump and the days that followed. Friday 20 January and Saturday 21 January 2017 will go down in American history as some of the most dramatic and starkly contrasting days in US politics for some time. The inauguration of Donald Trump on 20 January 2017 as the 45th …
Farewell Dr Irwin
November 18, 2016
Blog: University of Nottingham Blogs
Dr Derek Irwin, Head of School of English, was celebrated with an evening of performances at the Drama Studio last Thursday as he bids UNMC goodbye to further his research at the Ningbo campus. UNMC’s Performing Arts Platform held an open stage farewell performance, themed ‘Departure’, featuring choral numbers, orchestral pieces, poetry recitals, video screenings …
Nottingham in Parliament Day
October 31, 2016
Blog: From the Vice-Chancellor's desk
I stood looking over the House of Commons Terrace at 2200 on Tuesday evening after the final event of Nottingham in Parliament Day feeling enormous pride in what had just unfolded, and wondering, ‘how on earth did we pull that off’? The day had started the day before, with a radio interview when I was …
10th ANNIVERSARY SHARING SERIES – Student Experience on Campus (Part II)
September 20, 2016
Blog: UNMC Biosciences
Here comes to second part, what have the students said about their peers and feeling upon graduation? Say something about your classmates? Celestine: I love how close-knitted we are; only having 23 students in Nutrition. I love how I know every single one of my classmates by name, if not by the outfit they wear. …
Conference: Funding Research on a Changing Landscape (24-25 Aug Aug 2016)
September 9, 2016
Blog: Malaysia Research and Knowledge Transfer
On the 24-25 Aug 2016, in conjunction with MIDA (Malaysian Investment Development Authority), the University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus (UNMC) held the inaugural “Funding Research on a Changing Landscape” conference. We were very fortunate to have an excellent line up of speakers, led by Prof Tan Sri Zakri, the Chief Scientific Advisor to the Prime …
Transnational education – growth at the expense of quality? A @uniworldnews webinar, 24 May 2016
June 1, 2016
Blog: Knowledge Without Borders
On 24 May, I had the opportunity to participate in a highly interactive webinar session hosted by University World News in partnership with DrEducation, LLC. The successful webinar attracted 950 higher education professionals globally. The aim of the webinar is to accomplish three things, which I felt the hosts did. They are to create an …
Ben Hunte: 3 Ways UNMC Has Changed My Life (So Far!)
September 18, 2015
Blog: Student Life
Happy 15th Birthday, UNMC! I remember arriving at the campus for the first time, standing at the back of the Students’ Association building, and looking at the insane view – jungle as far as the eye could see. Just a few days earlier, I was packing up my room in London, preparing to move to …
September 4, 2014
Blog: Learning English
The end of last week was quite empty in the CELE corridor, since over half the team had gone to the MELTA conference in Kuching. This is a large academic conference, focused on the wider world of English language teaching in Malaysia and beyond, this year featuring Asia TEFL- thus making it two conferences in …
KL’s new financial district
November 12, 2013
Blog: From where I sit
KL’s new financial district Recently, myself and my colleague, Nafis Alam wrote a piece for an online publication called “The Conversation”. Our article was prompted by the ambitions of the Government of Malaysia to transform Kuala Lumpur into a major financial centre through the construction of the Tun Razak Exchange (TRX). In our article we sought …