January 9, 2023, by ZY
Alumni Testimonial – Wong Zhi Yi (2017)
Wong Zhi Yi (MPharm 2+2 class of 2017) is currently a Ph.D. student at the University of Oxford, UK.
Describe your career path and experience after graduating from the University of Nottingham.
After graduating from University of Nottingham, I did my pre-registration training with Haxby Group Pharmacy in Yorkshire. I was fortunate to work together with a great team of pharmacists and staffs. I then went on to work at West Suffolk Hospital in Bury St. Edmunds as a clinical pharmacist. It was an eye-opening experience for me, and I really enjoyed the time working in the hospital. I think having trained in community pharmacy helped me to work more independently in the hospital.
I have always wanted to pursue research as a career, and I managed to secure funding to do a MSc by Research in Oncology at University of Oxford. I am now doing a PhD in Molecular and Cellular Medicine at Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology, which I am enjoying it immensely.
What made you choose to pursue your degree at University of Nottingham?
The School of Pharmacy at University of Nottingham is world-renowned. We visited University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus and had very interesting interactions with the faculty members, and I was deeply inspired. By doing a 2+2 programme, it would allow me to experience campus life in both Malaysia and the UK.
What did you love most about your student life with MPharm 2+2? May we have a recount of your fondest memory of it?
Having known many great friends since day 1 of university is what I love most about my student life and I have had many fond memories with them.
How did your degree at University of Nottingham prepared you for your career?
The degree provided by University of Nottingham prepared us very well in terms of providing quality patient care and medicines management. They also provided many opportunities (simulation or real life) for us to interact and counsel patients.
What are the most rewarding and challenging aspects of your career?
Being able to help patients are the most rewarding aspects, and very often you might not know the answer but by analysing the situation logically we can come out with a plan or solution together with the patients.
What is your advice to current or prospective MPharm students?
MPharm is a very versatile degree, it will allow you to work in academia, industry, clinical settings and many more. It will open up your horizon, and never hesitate to ask.
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