May 6, 2019, by Communications
Research funding opportunities from the Graduate School
In this blog post, Professor Deborah Hall University’s new Vice-Provost (Research and Knowledge Exchange) introduces three strategic funding opportunities. These will promote three exciting funding initiatives to support research collaboration as well as personal development of our academic researchers.
The Graduate School is committed to providing doctoral students and early career staff with the skills and confidence to maximise their potential at University of Nottingham Malaysia and beyond. A university-wide review led by the Graduate School has opened up dialogue with students and staff. This dialogue highlighted a desire on all sides to promote funding opportunities especially those to pump-prime initiatives.
Graduate School will be announcing three funding opportunities over the course of the next couple of weeks and months. These are directly targeted to support the development of young researchers and early career researchers.
1) The International Research Collaboration Award offers an opportunity for two PhD students to broaden UNM’s international research and knowledge exchange. A call will be launched in the second week of May with a deadline in early June. The collaborative visit could be with an organisation based anywhere in the world, especially one that is world leading. Two awards are available worth up to RM 15,000 and each will support a trip up to two month’s duration. Priority areas are encouraged for project proposals on the following topics: food sustainability, energy sustainability, environmental conservation, and industry 4.0.
2) Prizes worth up to RM 3,000 are also available to postgraduate students through the ‘3 Minute Thesis’ competition. Applications are open until 3 June 2019. I would strongly encourage all postgraduates to enter this competition. The ability to communicate your science to a general audience is an essential life skill. Entering this competition gives you a great opportunity to practice those skills in a supportive environment and to win a prize to support your research studies. All topics are welcomed, but again priority areas include the following topics: food sustainability, energy sustainability, environmental conservation, and industry 4.0.
3) The Career Development Initiative Fund offers an opportunity for postgraduate students and early career researchers (academic staff) to take control in managing their own personal career development and that of their peer group. Two awards are available worth up to RM 5,000; one for postgraduate students and one for early career researchers. These awards can be used for delivering a personal development activity which meet needs that can’t otherwise be addressed by Graduate School or Professional Development. Impact and value for money will be the main evaluation criteria.
We hope that you engage with these funding opportunities to help us achieve the new vision for our research ecosystem.
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