March 6, 2020, by Communications
Transforming lives and unlocking potential for 20 years
This year, the University of Nottingham Malaysia is celebrating its 20th anniversary. Last month, the Corporate Marketing team announced a series of events; some fun, some more serious. In this blog, I will share with you plans for celebrating 20 years of research culture at UNM.
Our Graduate School is teaming up with Research and Knowledge Exchange (RKE) hub to deliver a major showcase event, planned for 20 October 2020. The main purpose of the event will be to shed a spotlight on our successes over the last 20 years in Malaysia and to share these successes with industry and government leaders. However, this event will be the culmination of numerous activities happening throughout 2020 mostly aimed at promoting our media coverage and enhancing public awareness of our research. To help us do this, we are compiling a series of 20 success stories in a series of categories spanning impactful publications, impactful research, rising Early Career stars, and successful UNM postgraduate alumni.
It was really great to see the high level of interest in our research impact competition that closed last week. This is the first step to help us gather materials for our promotional activities. Congratulations go to our two winners:
- Dr Benjamin Barton, School of Politics History and Internationalisation, for his policy research related to the United Kingdom’s strategy on the Belt-and-Road Initiative post-Brexit.
- Dr Bavani Ramayah, Foundation in Science, for her research highlighting the experiences faced by individuals with visual impairment during electoral events in Malaysia and championing a voting system that is accessible to the visually impaired.
Our impactful research stories also enable us to also emphasise work that reflects Future Food Malaysia and Developing Sustainable Societies. Other notable competition entries that will be featured in our series of 20 cases of impactful research include: William Case, Malachi Edwin Vethamani, Sumit Mandal, Angelina Yee/ Jaya Ramachandran, Kasturi Muthoosamy, and New Siu Yee. Well done to all!
Over the year 2020, you will be seeing many more stories about UNM research that transforms lives and about how UNM is unlocking potential talent. We are planning awards to support and develop PGRs and ECRs, and we will more purposefully target various media channels, with the support of our Corporate Marketing team as well as advice from the School of Media, Languages and Culture.
I hope you share my excitement about 2020 as we reflect on our past achievements and also look forward to the next bright 20 years in Malaysia.
- CEO and Provost, Professor Graham Kendall at the 20th anniversary launch event.
- Two Vice-Provost at the 20th anniversary launch event.
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