Alumni Testimonial: Rachel Tan (2017)

I have finally come to complete my Pharmacy degree at the world-renowned UoN and I really cannot be more proud. Spending two years in the UK where healthcare is a priority has indeed been an eye-opener and it has helped me to truly understand the meaning of delivering a patient centred care that engages patients …

Alumni Testimonial: Puvaindran Rajandran (2013)

Graduating with Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences in 2013 was one of my greatest achievements in life. I managed to land a job at the world’s most reputable pharmaceutical company, Pfizer, 3 weeks before submitting my undergraduate dissertation. I have been working in drug safety/pharmacovigilance field for 5 years now and it has been a great …

Public Health Campaign Challenge 2019

Upon the completion of ‘Fight Cancer Cancer Awareness Campaign’ that kept our team hustling for a good 5 months, we decided to give the Public Health Campaign Challenge (PHCC) a shot, with the intention to share our campaign on a greater stage for the experience. PHCC is a national competition held annually by MyPSA during …

UNM-Biomed/AAPS-NUS PharmSci@Asia Symposium in UNM

The UNM-Biomed/AAPS-NYS PharmSci@Asia Symposium is the first co-organised event by the School of Pharmacy, University of Nottingham Malaysia (UNM) and the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS) – National University Singapore (NUS) Student Chapter. The theme for this year is ‘Pharmaceutical & Biomedical Science in an Evolving Healthcare Landscape’ which aims to share and present …

20th Tetrahedron Symposium

The Tetrahedron Symposium is held annually and it is the latest in a series of symposia organized by Elsevier in association with the Tetrahedron Group of journals. This year’s symposium is the 20th edition and it took place at the Swissotel Bangkok Ratchada in Bangkok, Thailand from 18th to 21th June 2019. I was honoured …

BPSA 77th Annual Conference in Nottingham, UK

The 77th British Pharmaceutical Students’ Association conference this year was held on 14th April 2019-21st April 2019 at Nottingham, UK. It was a whole new experience for both Rachel and me. We learned a lot and were deeply inspired by this amazing opportunity. Before the trip, we already felt pumped up to fly across the …

BPSA Super Skills Event Blog

On the 24th and 25th of April 2019, Year 1 and Year 2 students of MPharm had an exciting opportunity to take part in the BPSA Super Skills event. This event was aimed to provide enrichment activities to hone on our skills essential for the MPharm course as well as to prepare us for being …

Student helpers on University Open Day

During the University Open Day, our school has organised an interactive session called “A sneak preview into a pharmacist’s career”, where we have Dr Valerie, Dr Wai Hau Tung and Prof Nash presenting and demonstrating simple lab works in our Pharmacy resource room and C1A02 laboratory. There was also a showcase on students’ course works …

Pharmacy Renaissance Summit 2019

What is the future of pharmacists? What are the values of a pharmacist? Pharmacy Renaissance Summit 2019 was where we got our answers from, and where we had an amazing opportunity to learn and interact with some of the most influential and powerful people in the pharmacy industry. This experience has broadened my view on …

Discovering Careers in Health Sciences 2019 – Alumni Sharing

This year, PharmNotts collaborated with BioMed Society, Careers Office and The Faculty of Science and Engineering to organize a careers-related event. We invited several UNM alumni, each have respectively graduated from BioMedical Science, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences (PHS) and Pharmacy (MPharm) programmes, to share their respective career choices and pathways. This event aimed to explore and gather information for …