RTAD: June’s Highlights

First and foremost, we would like to once again highlight the UNMC 2014 Three Minute Thesis Competition (3MT®). 3MT contestants must condense their research into a brief, engaging presentation for a non-specialist audience, using a single presentation slide. The aim is to help research students develop theirs academic presentation and research communication skills.  To allow the …

Travel Prize – U21 ECR Workshop: Future of International Higher Education

To commemorate its 10th anniversary, the University of Nottingham China Campus (UNNC) will host a Universitas 21 (U21) interdisciplinary workshop on the Future of International Higher Education. This workshop will be of particular interest to early career academics and PhD students. Being ahead of the development of international higher education in today’s increasingly dynamic education …

Updated Details of UNMC’s 2014 Three Minute Thesis Competition (3MT®)

        Established by the University of Queensland (UQ) in 2008, 3MT is now held at universities around the globe. 3MT contestant must condense their research into a brief, engaging presentation for a non-specialist audience, using a single presentation slide. The aim is to help research students develop their academic, presentation, research, and …

RTAD: External Involvement

External Training by Dr Christopher Hill Research Training and Academic Development (RTAD) at UNMC offers a range of training courses, programmes and activities for the postgraduate community not only internally, but externally to other institutions. RTAD offers a series of international workshops, research training courses and continual professional development opportunities that focus on student and …

UNMC 2014 Three Minute Thesis Competition (3MT®)

Fancy hearing an 80,000 word thesis explained in less than 180 seconds? Research students from across the globe are doing just that in preparation for the Three Minute Thesis Competition (3MT®). Established by the University of Queensland (UQ) in 2008, 3MT is now held in universities around the globe. 3MT contestant must condense their research …

Coffee-and-Cake Session: Sustainability Research Network (SRN)

A Coffee-and-Cake Session was held on Friday, 27 June 2014. The session included a talk on the newly established Sustainability Research Network (SRN) @ UNMC, by two of its founding members, Jennie Unnikrishnan from the School of Biosciences and Abba Lawan from the School of Computer Science. The talk, which marked the very first public …

Sustainability Research Network @ UNMC

Sustainability Research Network (SRN) was founded in May 2013 by five PhD students from five different schools/departments at the University of Nottingham, UK. These PhD students identified that sustainability research was going on in many different faculties across three campuses of the University, yet researchers who are interested in sustainability might only meet at chance …

From Malaysia Research and Knowledge Transfer: Tips for finishing your PhD thesis on time

An article recommended to all PhD students, was shared on the blog of Malaysia Research and Knowledge Transfer. The article, that recently appeared in the Times Higher Education, provides some very useful tips on how to finish your thesis on time.  

RTAD: May’s Highlights & CFFRC DTP Induction

The month of May had been A-MAY-ZING with a series of events for Research Showcase and the monthly Coffee-and-Cake session. Here are the highlights and recaps of the month of May as well as an induction for CFFRC DTP postgraduate students in April. Research Showcase 2014 Research has the potential to change the world – …

Coffee-and-Cake Session: Life as a Researcher

The Graduate School held its monthly Coffee-and-Cake session on 30 May 2014. The session featured the “Life as a Researcher” of Dr Ahimsa Campos-Arceiz, an Associate Professor at the Lab of Tropical Conservation Ecology, School of Geography, UNMC. A tropical ecologist, Dr Campos-Arceiz, whose area of research focuses mainly on the ecologist role of large …