May 22, 2015, by Lisa Chin

Research Showcase 2015 – My Judging Experience

This post is contributed by Deepa Kumari Veerasingam, MyMentor Project Manager. She was the Assistant Manager of Research Training and Academic Development (RTAD).

Recently I was asked by the RTAD to judge at the 2015 Research Showcase competition. Research Showcase tests the candidates’ research communication skills and they had to present a compelling oration of their research on a poster whilst engaging non-specialist audience. The competition is run annually since 2010 and I have been organising this competition for the past four years being with the Graduate School. It was always fun receiving the entries and being part of the support team while encouraging the participants to be confident, relaxed and making sure they are prepared.

However, since I moved on from RTAD this year, my role in the competition was to judge on the posters and participants’ research communication skills. This experience had given me a whole new perspective on the competition. From assessing Graphene Nanoflakes to repairing bones with a prick of a needle, UNMC research students presented some truly diverse and impressive research. All thirteen participants that took part that day didn’t just deliver fantastically, but their presentations were engaging and informative too. All participants showed enthusiasm for their research and it was really evident in each of their presentations and undoubtedly contributed to the event’s success.

It was an aspiring display of knowledge on that day and I was glad to be a part of it. It was not just an experience for participants but upon reflecting on the event it showed how little I knew of what was happening in the world. It may have been three hours but I definitely gained more than the time I contributed for this event. Thank you RTAD for giving me that opportunity and I enjoyed every minute of it.


Deepa, taking some time to do the assessment during the Research Showcase.


A group photograph of the participants and judges.


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