May 28, 2020, by Lisa Chin
C0VID-19: Graduate School updates (28 May 2020)
Ref. UNM/GS/C0VID-19/21/28/05/20
This is part 21 of a series of updates which provides latest news and information from the Graduate School in light of the conditional movement control order nationwide and campus closure. Don’t forget you can get in touch with us via Facebook and Graduate School Blog or by email at graduateschool@nottingham.edu.my.
The University is regularly updating advice and general FAQs on C0VID-19 on its web page. See more
The Vice Provost (Research and Knowledge Exchange) is also contributing to a more detailed page with guidance for postgraduate research students and research staff. See more
Tri-Campus Postgraduate Awards 2020
Digital presentation of winners from across three campuses
Each year, the University of Nottingham Tri-Campus Awards recognise the accomplishments and contributions of some of our most outstanding postgraduate researchers.
This year we are unable to host a live event to celebrate so we have put together this digital presentation as a small mark of their achievements.
UNM winners announcement blog post
An update on the virtual town halls for researchers
We want to hear your views
The University of Nottingham senior leadership team has taken a series of measures and has proposed further measures to address the challenges posed by the C0VID-19 crisis. This primarily focuses on changes to the delivery of taught programmes to address the need to maintain social distancing and expectations of current and future students.
For the academic year 2020-21, to allow social distancing and to reduce traffic flow in high density teaching areas, the UK campus is considering the following:
extra weeks for teaching
the teaching day and week to be extended through evenings/Wednesday afternoons and maybe even Saturdays
social distancing measures to be implemented for all campus delivery with strict criteria on online versus face-to-face and seating layouts
space to be prioritised for teaching and learning with communal and sports spaces being brought into the central timetable
If similar considerations are implemented at UNM, some of these decisions are likely to impact on research. Professor Deborah Hall, Vice Provost (Research & Knowledge Exchange) therefore invites colleagues and postgraduate research students to consider what the ‘new normal’ for what research may look like in a post-C0VID-19 world at UNM and to share thoughts on how we can prepare together for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.
From how can we best maintain access to library and research facilities to how can we best manage research that requires working in groups or interactions with human participants, the town halls seek to discuss how we can prepare for the return of research at UNM. Your experiences and insights will inform how we approach our return to on-campus working, while considering new ways of delivering research in a post-C0VID world.
Session 1 for postgraduate researchers and their supervisors
Tuesday 2 June 2020, 2pm – 3pm
Sign up for session 1
Submit a question in advance for session 1 by Friday 29 May 2020
Session 2 for wider research community
Wednesday 3 June 2020, 2pm – 3pm
Sign up for session 2
Submit a question in advance for session 2 by Friday 29 May 2020
Graduate School Bulletin
This bulletin provides monthly updates on upcoming events and activities by us
Find out more information about our training and development provision for the whole month of June 2020.
Researcher training courses
Weekly update of upcoming courses
Drafting a Chapter of Your Thesis
Monday 1 June 2020, 10am – 12noon
This course will identify the features of good academic writing, discuss effective writing plan, and consider techniques for starting and finishing a thesis chapter.
Sign up
Shut Up and Write
Session 06/01: Tuesday 2 June 2020, 10am – 12.30pm
Session 06/02: Friday 5 June 2020, 10am – 12.30pm
These sessions will assist in structuring periods of writing and limiting the distraction at home while providing the necessary guidance and motivation to write efficiently and effectively.
Use this code to join the sessions in MS Teams: bkjn59
Editing Academic Writing
Thursday 4 June 2020, 10am – 12noon
This course will explore the different components and types of editing academic writing as well as some of the challenges commonly faced.
Sign up
3MT® competition
Pre-application briefing session
This is a reminder that the pre-application briefing session will take place on Wednesday 3 June 2020 at 10am – 11.30am. Use this token to join the session in Microsoft Teams: 5o24q21
This preparatory session will provide:
information about the competition, its timescales and requirements;
tips about putting together your three minute presentation;
general presentation skills information and support;
the opportunity to reflect upon your own research project and how you might deliver a three minute summary for the competition.
We encourage PhD students from all disciplines to attend this one-and-a-half hour session and enter the competition. Session attendees are however not obliged to enter the 3MT® competition.
U21 Researcher Resilience Fund
This fund is open to all UNM PhD candidates
U21 is offering awards of USD$5000 to support collaborative projects that develop researchers’ capability and capacity to work digitally or virtually, in order to adapt to life as a researcher, post-C0VID-19. Partnerships of researchers from two or more U21 member universities, across at least two countries, can apply for this fund. And other members are listed here: https://universitas21.com/u21-members/our-members
Closing date: Monday 22 June 2020 (12:00 GMT)
Please contact us at graduateschool@nottingham.edu.my for assistance in developing your proposal ideas.
Festive greetings
Harvest festivals of Kaamatan & Gawai
Kaamatan is celebrated on 30 & 31 May by the ethnic groups in the state of Sabah while Gawai is celebrated on 1 & 2 June by the Dayak people in the state of Sarawak.
In advance, we would like to wish all our fellow Sabahans and Sarawakians who are celebrating the festival, Kotobian Tadau Tagazo Do Kaamatan & Selamat Ari Gawai Gayu Guru Gerai Nyamai.
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