August 24, 2020, by Lisa Chin
C0VID-19: Graduate School updates (24 August 2020)
Ref. UNM/GS/C0VID-19/35/24/08/20
This is part 35 of a series of updates which provides latest news and information from the Graduate School amidst the ongoing C0VID-19 pandemic. Don’t forget you can get in touch with us via Facebook and Graduate School Blog or by email at graduateschool@nottingham.edu.my.
The University is regularly updating advice and general FAQs on C0VID-19 on its web page. See more
The Vice Provost (Research and Knowledge Exchange) is also contributing to a more detailed page with guidance for postgraduate research students and research staff. See more
Researcher training courses
Weekly update of upcoming courses
An introduction to creating surveys with Qualtrics
Monday 24 August 2020, 2pm – 4pm
This course will introduce core Qualtrics concepts and tools which include creating questions and basic question types, simple survey logic, anonymous distribution and reporting basics.
Sign up
Introduction to the Code of Research Conduct and Research Ethics
Tuesday 25 August 2020, 3pm – 4pm
This course will give an introduction to the University’s Code of Research Conduct and Research Ethics, and provide an overview of Research Integrity and what it entails.
Sign up
Communicating Your Research – Dealing with media
Thursday 27 August 2020, 10am – 12noon
This course will discuss the importance of dissemination and wider public engagement in the research process, elicit media interest in your work, and deal with sensitive issues and potentially hostile questioning.
Sign up
PhD experience interviews
What PhD life is like?
In one of the interview series by DiscoverPhDs, Chris Sampson, a PhD student at UoN who had just passed his viva, tells about his PhD life, from his typical day to his biggest challenge and personal advice.
What is next after PhD?
In addition to PhD students, DiscoverPhDs also features PhD holders who have developed their careers and businesses in different directions. These interviews allow you to gain an insight into different ways that you can develop your work life after gaining your PhD.
Interested to share your PhD experience?
DiscoverPhDs is interested to interview our PhD students as part of their interview series. The aim of the series is to help prospective students better understand what PhD life is like and the things they can do afterwards.
The interview will be done through Google Form. Although the site and interviews are predominantly based around STEM subjects, PhD students from other subjects are also welcome to take up this opportunity. So if you are interested, please get in touch with us via email to graduateschool@nottingham.edu.my.
Acknowledgement: Special thanks to Dr Harry Hothi for establishing rapport with us.
National Day greetings
Selamat Hari Merdeka
As we celebrate our country’s 63rd Independence Day on Monday 31 August 2020, we would like to greet all our fellow Malaysians Selamat menyambut Hari Kemerdekaan.
The theme for this year is Malaysia Prihatin (Malaysia Cares) in recognition of the caring, determined and patient nature of Malaysians in facing the trials and tribulations posed by the C0VID-19 pandemic.
There will be no National Day parade extravaganza this year. Nevertheless, this Merdeka (independence), let us celebrate our National Day in our own personal way. Be it flying or displaying the Jalur Gemilang (national flag), taking part in Merdeka efforts and events, posting Merdeka greeting and wishes on social media, or even educating the younger generation of the true essence and deeper significance of Merdeka.
So tell us how are you going to celebrate Merdeka? Share it with us on our Facebook or Graduate School Blog in the comment section!
Next updates from us
Our next issue of Graduate School Bulletin will be posted later this week while our next C0VID-19: Graduate School updates will be posted on Tuesday 1 September 2020
In the meantime, please continue to observe and follow the safety advice and precautionary measures by our local authorities and University.
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