October 13, 2020, by Lisa Chin
Introducing Graduate School to the new postgraduate research students
A virtual postgraduate induction
We appreciate that this is an unusual time for our postgraduate research students, even more so for those who have just joined us. Nevertheless, we continue to run a series of postgraduate inductions for our new postgraduate students amidst the ongoing C0VID-19 pandemic.
We recently conducted our fourth virtual postgraduate induction on Friday 9 October 2020. This induction was specifically targeted at new postgraduate research students who were not able to attend the previous induction in August or had joined the University thereafter. More than 20 newcomers joined the session via Microsoft Teams.
Discovering the wide range of resources available for postgraduate research students
The induction featured welcome talks and introductory presentations by senior members of staff from the Graduate School. In addition to training and development opportunities, the induction also introduced a range of dedicated support and services available for postgraduate students.
Getting to know the postgraduate community
The induction also featured an introductory talk about Postgraduate Students’ Network (PGSN) by Angela Paul Peter, Students’ Association (SA) Postgraduate Officer. PGSN is a representative body of postgraduate students at UNM.
If you would like to find out more about PGSN and their support to postgraduate students, please get in touch via email. You can also follow their Facebook page.
The talk continued on with a brief introduction about the Science and Engineering Postgraduate Student Council (SEPSC) by Kevin Luwemba, SEPSC representative. SEPSC serves as the intermediary between postgraduate students and the Faculty of Science and Engineering (FOSE). The council is under the banner of the Faculty Research Operations Group (FROG) which deals with the progression and welfare matters of postgraduate research students at FOSE.
If you have any enquiries or require more information, please get in touch via email.
Overall, the new postgraduate research students appreciated the avenue to learn more about the additional dedicated support and services available to them at the University. We hope that the information and guidance shared during the induction is useful in embarking their postgraduate research journey.
Once again, welcome on board to our community of world class scholars and outstanding postgraduate students!
Get in touch
As a postgraduate researcher, you may start your research degree at different times of the year. We send out a welcome email upon request to new postgraduate researchers which contains information about registering on Moodle, university support services and upcoming events as well as training and other opportunities.
Please email us at graduateschool@nottingham.edu.my for more information. You can also engage with us via Facebook and Graduate School Blog.
We send a monthly e-newsletter to keep you up to date with upcoming events and activities by us at the Graduate School.
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