May 20, 2016, by Jonathan Teoh
BMS student wins first poster prize at the 27th Intervarsity Biochemistry Seminar
The Intervarsity Biochemistry Seminar is an annual event of the Malaysian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (MSBMB), jointly-organized at alternate year by either a public or private university in Malaysia. The aims of the seminar are to provide a platform for our talented undergraduates to showcase their final year research project findings; share their knowledge and experiences and build up networking that might steer their ambition to further their studies at graduate schools.
This year, the 27th Intervarsity Biochemistry Seminar was hosted by UPM on the 14th May with a theme of “Where Life meets Sciences”. A total of 10 universities participated in the event, namely UPM, UTAR, UKM, UCSI, UM, UMT, IIUM, Taylors, Monash and of course Nottingham. Around 30 academicians were present to serve their academic duties to more than 200 graduating undergraduates. It was a successful and enjoyable event, as the research standard of the presenters was high, sessions were properly paced and more importantly, all participants were well-fed and ‘entertained’!
Three of our final year project students, comprising of Ling Sii Gii, Tan Hui Woon and Liew Sok Sian represented the BMS department in presenting findings from their final year projects. To top it off, Sii Gii, with her marvellous calmness, enthusiasm and credibility, managed to sell her research findings to the judges in 3 minutes and won the first prize for the best poster presentation! Her project’s title was “Assessing antifungal activity of zinc oxide nanoparticles against Saccharomyces cerevisiae”, supervised by Dr Yuh-Fen Pung.
Dr Yuh-Fen, Pung (Biomedical Sciences)
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