July 14, 2017, by Communications
2016 Japanese Skit Contest
The University of Nottingham Malaysia (UNMC) students, from The School of Media, Languages and Culture (SMLC), swept second and third prizes at the 2016 Japanese Skit Contest. After the results were announced on 31 January 2017, the two teams received their prizes two months later.
The contest is organised yearly by The Japan Foundation, Kuala Lumpur, The Japanese Chamber of Trade and Industry, and the Japan Club of Kuala Lumpur. The theme of the 2016 Japanese Skit Contest was Sato Gaeri (里帰り, Returning Home). The contestants had to create videos no longer than ten minutes that depict the ‘Sato Gaeri’ theme and were encouraged to use the Japanese language as creatively as possible while adhering to the theme and getting the message across.
The videos were subsequently uploaded on the popular online video sharing medium YouTube and judged based on the relevance to the theme, clarity and suitability of the Japanese language used, acting skills and the originality and creativity of the plot.
The contest was open to all Malaysian citizens who are not native Japanese speakers and do not have one or two Japanese parents. The participating contestants are required to be currently pursuing an undergraduate, diploma or advanced diploma course at a college or university in Malaysia. The purpose of the competition is aimed at improving the communication proficiency of Japanese language learners in Malaysia.
The skit that was awarded the second prize of the competition was “帰ろうか, Should I Go Back?“, and the skit that was awarded third prize was “まぬけな強盗の里帰り, The Silly Robber’s Journey Back Home“. Each group comprised four members, and all eight students are from the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS).
Professor Leong Yut Moy, who teaches Japanese language at SMLC, said: “The Japanese skit contest for university and college students is a golden opportunity for our students who are learning the Japanese language under the School of Media, Languages and Cultures to improve and showcase not only their Japanese language proficiency but also their spirit of teamwork, time management skill, creativity and talent.”
It was this spirit of teamwork, time management skill, creativity and talent that also allowed our UNMC student seniors to net the second prize for the skit contest in 2015. Professor Leong added: “Our students usually spend a lot of time writing their own scripts in Japanese, which is a huge challenge, practising their lines, acting, shooting, and editing. I am truly proud of them and I believe this memorable experience will be one of the meaningful episodes when they recall their university life and Japanese language learning pathway at UNMC.”
More information is available from Professor Leong Yut Moy .
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