January 21, 2021, by Communications
Lord Dearing Awards: UNM winners
The Lord Dearing Award, which was first initiated in 1999, recognises outstanding achievements of University of Nottingham staff for their efforts in enhancing the student learning experience. Since its inception, the Lord Dearing Award has been presented to more than 100 members of staff. The award is held annually, and awardees are chosen from nominations by both staff and students.
Seven UNM staff members and two UNM teams have received the award for 2019/2020. They are as follows:
Individual staff:
- Dr Benjamin Robin Barton from the School of Politics, History and International Relations for his excellent support provided to students.
- Professor Chung Lim Law from the Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering for his high levels of commitment to teaching and learning.
- Dr Cristina Quintana Blanco from the School of Media, Languages and Cultures for her excellent support provided to students.
- Dr Michael Mustafa from the Nottingham University Business School (NUBS) Malaysia for his excellent support provided to students.
- Dr Nishanth Chemmangattuvalappil from the Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering for his high levels of commitment to teaching and learning.
- Professor Sandy Hwei San Loh from the School of Biosciences for her high levels of commitment to teaching and learning.
- Dr Wei Keong Too from the School of Education for his high levels of commitment to teaching and learning.
- Centre for Academic Partnerships and Engagement (CAPE) led by Dr Rozilini Mary Fernandez-Chung, from the School of Education for their excellent support provided to students.
- Web interactive tools in teaching project group led by Dr Ching Lik Hii, from the Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering for their engaging lectures.
The Lord Dearing Award is held annually with awards being conferred to the winners in the Spring semester.
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