A Talk with the People Behind Our Electrical Appliances: SIRIM

As part of the Discovering Careers in Engineering, the engineering societies in UNM (IEM, IChemE, IMechE, ICE and IEEE) had collaborated with Careers Advisory Service (CAS) to present to the students – “Engineering Series Talks”. The goal of the talks and workshops are to enhance student’s knowledge regarding the field of engineering and to introduce …

University of Nottingham Malaysia Won the Best Career Centre of the Year 2019

We’ve made it!! University of Nottingham Malaysia was awarded the Best Career Centre of the Year 2019 (Private University) in the gradMalaysia Malaysia’s 100 Leading Graduate Employer Awards 2019. The award was presented by the Head of Products & Services of GTI Media Jaideep Patel to the Head of Careers Advisory Service (CAS) Alicia Ch’ng; …

Field Trip to AirAsia

On the 25th of Oct, Careers Advisory Service (CAS) made a collaboration with the Computer Science Society (CSS) for a field trip to AirAsia to introduce career opportunities for computer science students. Jordan, a recruiter who is responsible for procuring talents in the computer science field for AirAsia, said that impact is what AirAsia strives …

Embrace the Industry 4.0 with Visumé

As part of the Careers Advisory Service’s Get Ready Get Hired programme, CAS has invited Graduan to introduce the concept of a Visumé (Video Resumé). According to Graduan, since we are towards the era of digitalization with the emphasis of Industry 4.0, the employers these days are open to the concept of a Visumé as …

Frost & Sullivan Shares How to Strategize Career Planning

On the 23rd of October, Careers Advisory Service (CAS) invited guest speakers from Frost & Sullivan, a globally renowned research and consulting firm, to conduct a talk on “Career Planning Strategies” for International Students Career Series in the University of Nottingham Malaysia. According to one of the starred guests, Mr. Narciso―a representative of the company, …