October 3, 2013, by Christopher Hill
Conference Activity and Opportunities
Observatory Conference: The International Higher Education Revolution: Impacts on Mobility, qualifications, networks. London, 11-12 December 2013
Call for papers: in addition to invited speakers, we wish to provide a platform for cutting-edge practice and research around the conference themes. Proposals in the form of abstracts for presentations should be sent to info@obhe.ac.uk by Wednesday 9 October, with ‘Conference proposal’ as the subject heading. Abstracts should be about 200 words and accompanied by a one-page CV. We are willing to consider various proposed presentation formats.Invited speakers include David Willetts MP, Sir Michael Barber (Chief Education Advisor, Pearson), and Nicolas Sadirac (Director-General, 42 (computer programming school), Paris).
Education for Sustainability: International Greening Education Event 2013 – Germany
A three day International Greening Education Event will be held from 6th to 8th of November, 2013 in Karlsruhe, Germany. This event will bring together academic community, policy makers, representatives of international development agencies, senior members of academic institutions, administrators and teachers, sustainable development practitioners, environmental management professionals and other stakeholders from around the world.
International Teacher Education Conference 2014 – Dubai
The main goal of International Teacher Education Conference is to provide a multinational platform where the latest trends in education can be presented and discussed in a friendly environment with the aim to learn from each other. Prospective presenters are encouraged to submit proposals for papers and posters/demonstrations that offer new research or theoretical contributions. Presentations should be in Turkish, English and Arabic and should address both theoretical issues and new research findings.
NATPRO 5: International Conference on Natural Products for Health and Beauty
International Trends and Issues in Communication and Media: North Cyprus Dec 18-20 2013
The main goal of International Trends and Issues Communication & Media Conference is to provide a multinational platform where the latest trends in communication and media can be presented and discussed in a friendly environment with the aim to learn from each other. Prospective presenters are encouraged to submit proposals for papers and posters/demonstrations that offer new research or theoretical contributions. Presentations should be in Turkish and English and should address both theoretical issues and new research findings.
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