May 28, 2014, by Deepa Kumari Veerasingam

Information & Updates for PGRs

EURAXESS Science Slam 2014

EURAXESS – Researchers in Motion is a unique pan-European initiative providing access to a complete range of information and support services to researchers wishing to pursue their research careers in Europe or stay connected to it.

EURAXESS Links ASEAN is once again looking for ASEAN’s best science slammers! The first prize is a free trip to Europe!

EURAXESS Science Slam ASEAN 2014 is the second edition of an event giving young researchers in ASEAN the chance to showcase their research projects to their peers and the wider public in a relaxed and joyful atmosphere.

5 finalists will be invited to battle it out for the title “EURAXESS Science Slammer ASEAN 2014” in the LIVE slam to be held in Bangkok, Thailand on 13th November 2014.

How to participate?

Step 1: Get creative and develop an original idea to present your research project to the world ~ tap dancing, singing, old-school presentation, scientific equipment – all is allowed.

Step 2: Make a 3-minute video of your presentation with your camera phone (or equivalent). Make sure the presentation is in English.

Step 3: Post your video on the EURAXESS Links ASEAN Facebook site or send the link of your video to

Online submission of slam presentations is open from 1st June 2014 to 15th September 2014. It is open to researchers of all nationalities and disciplines.

Visit for full details.

for blog

Training Courses by Dr Rebekah Smith McGloin  

On the 8th to 10th of April 2014, Research Training and Academic Development offered a few training courses to cater the needs of postgraduate students and academicians. All the training courses were conducted by Dr Rebekah Smith McGloin, who is the Doctoral Training Partnership Manager in the UK Campus. The details of the training  courses are,

Introduction to Development Needs Analysis and Goal-setting for PGRs

: Conducted on 8th April 2014, 10 am to 12 pm at BA64

: Through this session, students are expected to gain the following learning outcomes,

  1. have gained an understanding of what critical reflection is and how it can help you;
  2. used critical reflection tools to undertake your own development needs analysis;
  3. have set 3 personal and professional goals;
  4. have considered the breadth of skills represented in the Researcher Development Framework (RDF);
  5. have an understanding of your own development in the context of the RDF.

Introduction to Development Needs and Analysis and Goal-setting for Supervisors

: Conducted on 9th April 2014, 2 to 4 pm at BA05

: Supervisors are expected to gain the following learning points through this training,

  1. know what DNA is, why it is important and how it can help your supervisees
  2. have an understanding of what UoN requirements are for DNA as part of supervision
  3. have gained an understanding of the underpinning pedagogy of DNA
  4. have been introduced to the Researcher Development Framework (RDF) and  its role in DNA
  5. have explored what critical reflection is and how it can help your students;
  6. have used critical reflection tools to undertake your own development needs analysis an personal and professional goal-setting;
  7. have an understanding of your own development in the context of the RDF.

Career Planning and Employability for PGRs in Science and Engineering

: Conducted on 10th April 2014, 10 am to 12 pm at BA64

: This session focused on what can  students do now to help them get a job once they graduate with the following learning points,

  1. Make a personal plan of activity to enhance CV
  2. Set three concrete actions to support employability


Eager students who can't wait to listen to Dr Rebekah's presentation.

Eager students who can’t wait to listen to Dr Rebekah’s presentation.

Students listening attentive to Dr Rebekah's presentation

Students listening attentively to Dr Rebekah’s presentation

Dr Rebekah conducting one of her training sessions, Career Planning and Employability for PGRs in Science and Engineering

Dr Rebekah conducting one of her training sessions, Career Planning and Employability for PGRs in Science and Engineering

We hope that the trainings were beneficial to those who attended and we sincerely thank everyone for your participation. We look forward to meeting you in our future events.

Posted in News and EventsResearcher Development