October 2, 2015, by Lisa Chin
UNMC 2015 Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) Competition
This post is written by Dr Tissa Chandesa, Research Training Development Manager.
The University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus (UNMC) crowned its 2015 Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) winner on September 22nd, 2015. A total of 16 participants from the Faculty of Engineering and Science took part in this year’s competition. This year, for the first time in UNMC 3MT® history, the competition was judged by a mixture of academics, non-academics and industrial partners. We would like to thank the panel of judges for spending the day with us and providing valuable feedback to the participants’ continuous professional development.

This year’s 3MT® competition attracted approximately 60 audience, most of them were the new postgraduate students.
We at Graduate School would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all participants for facing their fear of public speaking and giving their best at the main event. The improved performance compared to last year made it very difficult for the judges to single out a clear winner. So, well done, fellow participants! You are all WINNERS to us! Once more, thank you to the panel of judges and the audience in helping us make this year’s competition a success.
Congratulations to Bhamini Bhujun from the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, on winning the overall 3MT® title. Congratulations to Kalaimani Markandan from the Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering on taking home the 3MT® People’s Choice award. Well done to you both!
Bhamini will now represent UNMC at the 2015 Nottingham’s Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) cross-campus competition where she will go head to head with 3MT® winners from the UK and China campuses. All the best, Bhamini!
Once more, from all of us: Well done!

Professor Graham Kendall (left) – Vice Provost, Research and Knowledge Transfer; Bhamini Bhujun (centre) – overall 3MT® winner; and Professor Christine Ennew (right) – Provost and CEO

Professor Graham Kendall (left) – Vice Provost, Research and Knowledge Transfer; Kalaimani Markandan (centre) – winner of 3MT® People’s choice; and Professor Christine Ennew, Provost and CEO
© Photographs by Ai-Suan Lee
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