October 12, 2015, by Lisa Chin

Research Boot Camp

What do PhD students need to help them get started on their research degrees?

The offering of the Researcher Development Programme (RDP) courses in the new academic year 2015/2016 kick-started with a Research Boot Camp from 28th September 2015 to 2nd October 2015. The boot camp, which was delivered by Dr Christopher Hill and Dr Tissa Chandesa, offered a range of intensive courses to help the new postgraduates to get going with their research degrees. The courses offered were:

  • Nature of the PhD and the Supervision Process
  • Planning Research and Time Management
  • Creative Thinking
  • How to be an Effective Researcher
  • Getting into the Habit of Writing

This picture was taken during the “Nature of the PhD and the Supervision Process” course. It introduced students to what is expected of a Nottingham PhD candidate. The course also provided an understanding of the roles of both supervisors and research students; information about the possible difficulties that may arise; and advice on how to overcome those difficulties during a PhD journey.

In addition to the courses in the boot camp, the RDP includes 46 other courses, designed to support postgraduates at different stages of their PhDs. The list of courses can be viewed on Moodle at http://moodle.nottingham.ac.uk/course/view.php?id=11606.

The RDP was designed to support the early stages in the development of skills listed in the Vitae Researcher Development Framework.

The Graduate School is also open to conducting tailor made courses which are driven primarily by the students request, input and interactions. If you wish us to conduct such courses, please get in touch with us via email to rtad@nottingham.edu.my or graduateschool@nottingham.edu.my.

Posted in News and EventsPostgraduate lifeResearcher Development