November 20, 2015, by Lisa Chin

Images of Postgraduate Experience Photography Competition

Following the favourable outcome of the Images of Research Photography Competition held last year, the UNMC Graduate School had organised yet another photography competition this year with a different theme – Images of Postgraduate Experience.

The Images of Postgraduate Experience Photography Competition was open to all our postgraduate students. They were invited to capture the essence of their postgraduate experience with a single photographic image that they have taken themselves, accompanied by an abstract that articulated how the image relates to their postgraduate experience at UNMC.

All entries were showcased online and members of staff and student were invited to vote for their favourite entry using an online voting portal. The entries were also displayed in an exhibition on Friday, 18th November 2015 and further provided an opportunity for visitors to vote in person. All votes were counted towards the People’s Choice Award which carried a prize money of RM200.

A multidisciplinary panel of judges determined the recipient of the Overall Winner Award which carried a prize money of RM500 and a SELPHY CP910 compact photo printer sponsored by Canon Malaysia.


The exhibition took place to allow on site viewing and voting.

Wei Ling Chow, a second year PhD student from the Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, won both awards – People’s Choice and Overall Winner. The announcement was made by Dr Christopher Hill, Director of Research Training and Academic Development (RTAD) during the prize-giving ceremony which was held after the exhibition concluded on Friday, 18th November 2015 at the Postgraduate Training Room, H1B13. During his discourse delivered to the participants, Dr Hill gave a very positive and encouraging message about overcoming the many challenges that postgraduate life has to offer as portrayed in most of the entries.


Wei Ling was presented with the awards by Dr Hill.


A group photograph of the participants present during the prize-giving ceremony.

The photography competition showed the diversity and breadth of postgraduate experience at UNMC. The participants were able to gain the experience in creatively presenting a compelling message about their postgraduate life and inspiring others with that message. We will feature all the entries from the competition on a series of blog post, so stay tuned for the updates! Meanwhile, all the entries are being displayed and exhibited at the Postgraduate Hub, H1B12.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank Canon Malaysia for their kind sponsorship, the judges for their time and effort in evaluating the entries, and all those who took the time to vote and supported the competition.

Well done to all the participants for their commendable efforts and we look forward to yet another exciting and interesting chapter of the photography competition next year!

Posted in News and EventsPostgraduate life