May 27, 2016, by Lisa Chin

Postgraduates’ Satay Night

A postgraduate “Satay Night” networking event was held on Tuesday, 24th May 2016. Hosted by the Post-Graduate Student Network (PGSN) in collaboration with the Graduate School, this event brought together postgraduate students and some members of academic as well as administrative staff of the University.

20160524_180852 - CopyThe event started off with an opening speech by Ms Deepa Kumari Veerasingam, Head of Graduate School. “I am pleased to see many postgraduate students this evening and I am sure this will be a great opportunity for all of us to interact, network and build rapport with one another. Special thanks to Rachel Maeve Taylor, who is the Student Association (SA) Postgraduate Officer, and her team. I hope everyone here fulfilled the condition of meeting one new person on campus this evening,” she said.

20160524_180926It was then followed by a welcoming remark from Rachel where she expressed her delight at the high turnout of her fellow postgraduates at the event. She also mentioned that the postgraduate community can look forward to more exciting events by the PGSN this year.

As it is called a “Postgraduates’ Satay Night”, the main menu was of course, satay. When we talk about satay, satay Kajang would definitely be mentioned and most notably, Satay Kajang Haji Samuri. These barbequed chunks of meat skewered on bamboo sticks are served with peanut sauce, sliced cucumbers and nasi impit (compressed rice cubes). Alternative option was also available for vegetarians.


Three different variations of meat were served that evening, namely chicken, beef and fish.


For some, it was their first time trying out satay!


Satay Kajang Haji Samuri is one of the best satay in town and the postgraduate students were able to have them freshly barbequed on the spot, on campus. Perfect!

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A job well done by the Post-Graduate Student Network (PGSN) in successfully hosting the event. [From left] Cho Eun Seon, Rayan Sabra, Rachel Maeve Taylor, Hilda Akoth Yonga and Mohammed Ayoub Juman.


We hope everyone enjoyed the evening and we would like to once again thank the PGSN for their commendable effort in organising the event successfully.

Posted in News and EventsPostgraduate life