September 18, 2018, by Lisa Chin
LINK’18: Sharing of Experience by the Best PGT Presenter
This post is contributed by Zerin Momtaz Chowdhury, LINK’18 Best PGT Presenter and postgraduate taught student from the Nottingham University Business School.
My heartfelt thanks goes to the organising committee of Postgraduate Students’ Network (PGSN) and other respective academics for creating such an amazing platform for postgraduates to present their work. In view of the rather short duration of Masters programmes, there are hardly any scope to think beyond academic modules for postgraduate taught (PGT) students. However, LINK Conference enables PGT students to present their academic work in a formal extracurricular format that serves as both conference and competition.
Surprisingly, majority of the PGT students refrain from participating, assuming this conference as either not so important or too difficult to win since it is held during the last semester when they are juggling with their dissertation. The importance of participating in such conference, I believe, allows the opportunity to practise and subsequently enhance communication and presentation skills. Most importantly, if dissertation work is being presentation (which I did), students will be able to receive distinctive opinion from the judges which can help them to generate valuable critical analysis of their work.
As far as winning is concerned, I reckon that planning and preparation are key ingredients. From my experience, I think that it is important to describe the value and impact of the work you are currently doing. It is also important that you have a comprehensive data and present its significance. What I did was, instead of presenting a giant table with all the data that I have, I picked some of the most important ones which summarised my findings. Moreover, I would suggest that you opt for simplicity in your PowerPoint design – neat and formal, as this would make the audience focus on your presentation and not divert their attention to your slides. In addition, don’t always look and rely on the slides for points or sentences as this can break the flow and rhythm, especially, when it comes to engaging with the audience.
Lastly, I was glad to have presented the topic of my dissertation at LINK’18 Conference. I always consider it as a less talked “issue” instead of a mere topic for an “academic work”. Hence, I strongly believe that the winning chance depends on the presenter if he/she can demonstrate a strong connection with his/her work. I wish all the very best to future LINK Conference participants and hope to see more amazing papers be presented and recognised.
Zerin Momtaz Chowdhury was announced as the Best PGT Presenter for her presentation titled “Factors influencing work-life balance of white collar women in private sector of Bangladesh” at the LINK’18 Conference held on 26 July 2018.
Read more about the LINK’18 Conference.
Read more about the winners of LINK’18 Conference.
Featured image: Zerin Momtaz Chowdhury
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