April 20, 2020, by Lisa Chin
[Invitation] A chat with Prof Deborah Hall
Listening and addressing your concerns
We know and appreciate that this is a challenging time for you as postgraduate research students (PGRs) especially as we are now at the third phase of movement control order.
In our effort to be even more explicit and relevant in our communications and responses, we are facilitating an informal session between PGRs and the Vice Provost of Research and Knowledge Exchange, Prof Deborah Hall. This session hopes to address some of the concerns that have been raised quite frequently in the recent weeks, while providing a direct platform for meaningful communications between PGRs and Prof Hall.
The session is scheduled for Wednesday 22 April 2020 at 2pm to 3pm. Use this code to join the session in Microsoft Teams: b723bmh
Areas of discussion
Graduating on time
Submission of thesis
Online viva voce examination
Wellbeing and support
A substantial part prior to the session is for the following reps to collate responses from PGRs. These include reasonable concerns and questions, constructive criticisms as well as suggestions for improvement.
So please email Kevin Luwemba at kuzfpsc@nottingham.edu.my for any faculty-related matters and Angela Paul Peter at sapgofficer@nottingham.edu.my for any other matters.
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