January 13, 2021, by Lisa Chin

COVID-19: Graduate School updates (13 January 2021)

Ref. UNM/GS/COVID-19/45/13/01/21

COVID-19: Graduate School updates (13 January 2021)

In light of the movement control order (MCO) from 13 to 26 January 2021, we are providing this update to our postgraduate community outlining latest news and information from us at the Graduate School.

The University is regularly updating advice and general FAQs on COVID-19 on its web page. See more

The Vice Provost (Research and Knowledge Exchange) is also contributing to a more detailed page with guidance for postgraduate research students and research staff. See more

Institutional updates

Entry of Students to UNM in 2021

As you are aware, the University has announced the entry guidelines of students returning to campus and the implementation of Blended Teaching and Learning. In case you missed it, please refer to the email dated 12 January 2021 by Provost’s Office which includes guidance for postgraduate taught (PGT) students as well as postgraduate research (PGR) students.

University update on MCO

The University has also announced that more detailed directives will be communicated as soon as information becomes available.

Training and development

Nevertheless, we are continuing to offer our training and development provisions through online delivery. Our existing researcher training courses will go on as originally planned using Microsoft Teams.

Researcher Development Programme (RDP)

What Do I Want to Get Out of a Conference

  • Tuesday 19 January 2021, 10am – 12nn

  • This course will discuss key issues when choosing a conference and how to maximise participation when attending a conference.

  • Sign up

Planning Research and Time Management

  • Thursday 21 January 2021, 2pm – 4pm

  • This course will support the development of good time management and enable students to plan their research development more efficiently.

  • Sign up

Creative Thinking

  • Monday 25 January 2021, 2pm – 4pm

  • This course will introduce the techniques to enhance creative thinking and subsequently promote critical thinking.

  • Sign up

Preparing for Your Annual Review

  • Tuesday 26 January 2021, 10am – 12nn

  • This course will discuss the elements of the annual review process and consider the possible structures of an annual review report.

  • Sign up

Graduate School e-Newsletter

Nucleus Issue 01/21 (41)

In case you missed it, this month’s issue of Nucleus is available on our website.

Read more

On other blog

Revise – by connecting academic reading with academic writing 

“How do you know what to do when you are revising your writing? Revision always involves making a judgment about your own work. You become a self-evaluator. But what criteria do you use?”

Professor Pat Thomson from the School of Education, UoN, writes about reading for the writing supports of our own writing.

Read more

Stay in touch

Contact us

We recognise that this second round of MCO has increased the challenges many of you are facing. As before, please stay in touch with colleagues and supervisors to discuss working arrangements.

Please do not hesitate to reach out if you need any other clarifications or support from us via email to graduateschool@nottingham.edu.my. You can also engage with us via Facebook and Graduate School Blog.

Next update from us

Look out for our next edition of e-newsletter 

We will continue to provide succinct news, information and updates on our training and development opportunities for our postgraduate community through our monthly e-newsletter. The next one will be delivered to your inbox end of this month.

In the meantime, please continue to observe and follow the safety advice and precautionary measures by our local authorities and University. Stay safe!

Posted in News and EventsPostgraduate lifeResearcher Development