February 3, 2021, by Lisa Chin
COVID-19: Graduate School updates (3 February 2021)
Ref. UNM/GS/COVID-19/47/03/02/21
In light of the movement control order (MCO) extension till 18 February 2021, we are providing this update to our postgraduate community outlining latest news and information from us at the Graduate School.
The University is regularly updating advice and general FAQs on COVID-19 on its web page. See more
More detailed guidance for postgraduate research students and research staff is available on SharePoint. See more
Institutional updates
Entry of Students to UNM in 2021
As you are aware, the University has announced the updated entry guidelines of students returning to campus for the start of blended learning next month. In case you missed it, please refer to the email dated 2 February 2021 by Provost’s Office for detailed guidance and support.
Training and development
Upcoming courses
As MCO continues, we wish to update you on our continuing provision to keep your research training and development going.
Postgraduate Student Teachers (PST) Programme
Presentation Skills – Theory
Monday 15 February 2021, 10am – 12nn
This course will consider and discuss the skills of preparing an effective presentation. Please note that the theory course is prerequisite to the practical sessions scheduled for the following days.
Sign up
Presentation Skills – Practical
Session #1: Tuesday 16 February 2021, 10am – 12noon
Session #2: Wednesday 17 February 2021, 10am – 12noon -
These practical sessions will provide a friendly platform to practise and improve the skills of delivering an effective presentation. Please make sure you have met the prerequisite before attending the session.
Sign up
Call for nominations
Postgraduate Awards 2021
The nomination call for our annual Postgraduate Awards is still open. The awards recognise accomplishments in research, publications, conferences and contributions to the postgraduate community.
Nomination is done through HOS/HOD and each school/department can only nominate one student. PGR students can nominate themselves to HOS/HOD for consideration.
Submission deadline: Friday 26 February 2021, by noon (local time)
Submit to: graduateschool@nottingham.edu.my
Our e-Newsletter
Bulletin Issue 01/21 (29)
In case you missed it, this month’s issue of our Graduate School Bulletin is available on our blog.
On other blog
Growing your network as a PhD student
In this blogpost, Dr Harry Hothi, co-founder of DiscoverPhDs, writes about networking and its benefits, and further shares some of his tips for successful networking.
Festive greetings
Chinese New Year
Warmest wishes for Chinese New Year from all of us at the Graduate School. Happy Chinese New Year in advance!
In addition to the usual wishes of 新年快乐 (xīn nián kuài lè Happy New Year) 恭喜发财 (gōng xǐ fā cái Happiness and Prosperity), this year we would like to especially wish you 身体健康 (shēn tǐ jiàn kāng Good Health) 万事如意 (wàn shì rú yì Everything goes the way you wish for).
Next update from us
Look out for our next edition of e-newsletter
We will continue to provide succinct news, information and updates on our training and development opportunities for our postgraduate community through our COVID-19: Graduate School updates and monthly e-newsletter. The next one will be delivered to your inbox on 24 February 2021 where you can find out more about our online training and development provision for the whole of next month.
Please do not hesitate to reach out if you need any other clarifications or support from us via email to graduateschool@nottingham.edu.my. You can also engage with us via Facebook and Graduate School Blog.
In the meantime, please continue to observe and follow the safety advice and precautionary measures by our local authorities and University. Stay safe!
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