January 31, 2023, by Lisa Chin

Graduate School Newsletter, February 2023

Bulletin Issue 01/23 (45) 

The needs of the postgraduate and early career researcher community are at the heart of what we do at the Graduate School.

Read on for all the latest news from us.

News and guidance 

Introducing the PGSN Team 2022/23

The Postgraduate Students’ Network (PGSN) is the representative body of postgraduate students at UNM. It is one of the student-run networks under the Students’ Association (SA) of UNM.

PGSN is led by the SA Postgraduate Officer. The current elected officer is Muhamad Hishamudin bin Mohmad Hasim, a second year PhD student from the School of Biosciences. Hisham is assisted by a group of volunteer representatives from across both faculties.

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Event and activity

Postgraduate CNY Luncheon

Wednesday 1 February 2023, 12.30pm

This luncheon is for our postgraduate students where we can have a festive get-together. The festive merriment includes fortune lokam (mandarin oranges) giveaway, stirring and tossing Yee Sang while wishing for a year filled with auspiciousness.

The Acting Vice-Provost for Research and Knowledge Exchange, Professor Christopher Gibbins, will be joining us to give an address and meet with our postgraduate students.

Registration is closed as we have reached maximum capacity.

Training and development

Find out more about our training and development provision for postgraduate students.

Researcher Development Programme (RDP)

Philosophy of science

    • Wednesday 1 February 2023, 10am – 12nn, H1B13

    • This course will explore the critical and independent thought on science; its foundations, methods and implications.

    • Sign up

Anatomy of a good journal paper

    • Tuesday 7 February 2023, 10am – 12.30pm, H1B13

    • This course will explore the structure of the various components of a journal paper and provide an insight into the necessary skills required to develop and write a good journal paper.

    • Sign up

Getting published

    • Wednesday 15 February 2023, 2pm – 4.30pm, H1B13

    • This course will highlight the importance and purpose of publishing paper. It will also offer guidance and tips on the journey of publishing.

    • Sign up

Preparing for the viva

    • Tuesday 21 February 2023, 10am – 12nn, H1B13

    • This course will delve into the main purposes of viva, its process and criteria as well as some key skills to consider in the lead up to, and during the viva itself.

    • Sign up

Starting your literature review

    • Thursday 23 February 2023, 10am – 12nn, H1B13

    • This course will consider the purpose and basic requirements of an effective literature review and provide guideline on overall literature writing process.

    • Sign up

Postgraduate Student Teachers (PST) Programme

We are also offering our PST programme with the following first course in February and the subsequent courses in the following month.

Preparing to teach in higher education

    • Monday 27 February 2023, 10am – 12.30pm, H1B13

    • This course will introduce the practices, roles and responsibilities involved in teaching at a higher education level.

    • Sign up


Graduate School reward scheme

A reminder that a new variety of merchandise is now available for redemption! Our reward scheme rewards postgraduate students who attend our Graduate School training courses i.e. Researcher Development Programme (RDP) and Postgraduate Student Teachers (PST) programme.

Find out more

Empowering your postgraduate and research ambition

Look out for our next issue of newsletter next month!

Don’t forget you can get in touch with us via Facebook or by email at graduateschool@nottingham.edu.my.

Posted in News and EventsPostgraduate lifeResearcher Development