April 28, 2023, by Lisa Chin

Graduate School Newsletter, May 2023

Bulletin Issue 03/23 (47)

The needs of the postgraduate and early career researcher community are at the heart of what we do at the Graduate School.

Read on for all the latest news from us.

News and guidance 

Introducing our new team member

We are pleased to introduce the newest addition to our Graduate School team, Dr Fook Choy Yap who recently joined us as an Assistant Manager for Researcher Training Development and Postgraduate Researcher Engagement. This is an exciting role where Dr Yap manages the development and delivery of an extensive portfolio of researcher training and development activities.

Please join us in welcoming Dr Yap and wishing him success in his new role.

Find out more

Be part of our research community

Application call for our PhD Scholarship will open soon! This competitive scholarship offers full tuition fee waiver for the three years of our PhD programme and new this year, it includes provision of stipend. More information will follow in the coming weeks with further details on how to apply. So keep a lookout for our announcement email in early May.

Events and activities

Tri Campus Awards presentation ceremony

Wednesday 17 May 2023, 4pm

This live event celebrates outstanding postgraduate researchers, postdoctoral researchers, research teams and research supervisors across the University of Nottingham.

Look out for the celebratory posts on our social media where you will get to see our UNM award winners and read about their extraordinary accomplishments and exceptional contributions to our researcher community.

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Postgraduate Induction

Friday 26 May 2023, 2.30pm, H1B13

Our postgraduate induction features welcome talk by our Associate Dean of Graduate School and introductory presentations by our staff members on a range of support services and development opportunities for postgraduate research students. This session will provide you with the essential information to help you make a successful start to your research degree.

Get in touch for more information

Research Supervisor Series

The University is committed to developing and maintaining the highest standards in doctoral supervision. This series of seminars and talks is aimed at University staff involved in research supervision of masters and doctoral students. They cover topics that are essential for Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA) requirements and also have been highlighted by supervisors as areas where they would like more advice and practice-sharing opportunities.

Introduction to UNM’s Quality Manual expectations for postgraduate research students (PGRs)

Friday 2 June 2023, 10am – 12nn, Online (MS Teams)

At the University of Nottingham, all research students follow a series of assessments and monitoring throughout their period of supervised study. The basic principles of the assessment and monitoring process (i.e. supervision and annual review) are common to all research students and all years of registration. In this session, Dr Eunice Ngai, Associate Professor at the School of Biosciences and Chair of Graduate School Research Operations Group, will share information on key stages of the annual review process and roles of supervisor in meeting the university requirements and ensuring satisfactory progression. Case studies involving common and uncommon scenarios will also be highlighted and discussed.

Sign up

Training and development

Find out more about our training and development provision for postgraduate students.

Researcher Development Programme (RDP)

Communicating your research: Dealing with the media

    • Tuesday 9 May 2023, 10am – 12nn, H1B13

    • This course will discuss the importance of wider public engagement in the research process and explore how to elicit media interest in your work.

    • Sign up

Drafting and editing a chapter of your thesis

    • Thursday 11 May 2023, 10am – 12nn, H1B13

    • This course will identify the features of good academic writing, discuss effective writing plan, and consider techniques for starting and finishing a thesis chapter.

    • Sign up

Research Methodology module

As part of RDP, we are offering our Research Methodology module in the coming months. First introduced in October 2022, this module is compulsory for all postgraduate research students (PGRs) who registered from 2021 onwards. The module is designed to meet the generic requirements of research with the aim to support you in developing your research project and assist you in defining your mode of inquiry.

Find out more

Introduction to research methodology

    • Monday 22 May 2023, 10am – 12nn, H1B13

    • This course will introduce the meaning and nature of research, its philosophies, types and stages.

    • Sign up

Research development 

    • Wednesday 24 May 2023, 10am – 12nn, H1B13

    • This course will look into the conceptual and theoretical framework, construction of research question and its analysis as well as interpretation. 

    • Sign up

Research ethics and integrity

    • Friday 26 May 2023, 10am – 12nn, H1B13

    • This course will delve into the questions of why do you need ethics approval and how can you get it.

    • Sign up

Postgraduate life cycle 

    • Thursday 1 June 2023, 10am – 12nn, H1B13

    • This course will inform the purpose and nature of postgraduate research, identify the responsibilities of students and supervisors and further provide a realistic set of expectations for building good relationship with supervisors.

    • Sign up

Strategies for academic writing

    • Thursday 15 June 2023, 10am – 12nn, H1B13

    • This course will explore the best approaches to effectively present research in writing that is suitable for postgraduate level. It will also explore how research can be communicated effectively to academic audience. 

    • Sign up


On other blog

Making the case for your research

In this post, Professor Pat Thomson writes about alternatives to arguing “a gap” in the literature.

Read more

Empowering your postgraduate research ambition

Look out for our next issue of newsletter next month!

Don’t forget you can get in touch with us via Facebook or by email at graduateschool@nottingham.edu.my.

Posted in News and EventsPostgraduate lifeResearcher Development