March 8, 2018, by Lisa Chin

Teh Tarik Session Vol. 2

This post is written by Dr Tissa Chandesa, Research Training Development Manager.

We organised our second Teh Tarik session on 7 February 2018. Professor Khong Kok Wei, Associate Dean of Research for Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences delivered this session.

Over the duration of the 1.5-hour long session, Professor Khong examined the selection criteria for the Newton-Ungku Omar Fund (NUOF) for Mobility Grants and Advanced Fellowships. Professor Khong was a panel member of the evaluation of the NUOF in 2017 by the Academy of Sciences Malaysia. Drawing from his experience, Professor Khong spent most part of session addressing the origins and objectives of the NUOF grants and fellowships as well as provided advice on how to prepare a high quality application. He also shared several successful applications and spoke in detail of the assessment criteria and the evaluation processes involved. Professor Khong also shared his views on how the panel assesses each application based on the key selection criteria.

A good number of academic staff members and postgraduate research students attended this session.

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Posted in News and EventsPostgraduate lifeResearcher Development