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From the lab to the zoo: Fieldwork at the UNMC with Dr Neil Mennie

The deadline fast approached and then passed, by first days and then weeks. In the death throes I fired off one final email chasing up my funding application to carry out fieldwork at the Malaysia campus for three months. I had no expectation for a prompt response, so I was caught completely off guard half …

An Italian student in Malaysia

I have thought about sitting down and writing about my experience at UNMC so many times, but I never got round to it, probably because there are just too many things to say! If I had to describe this experience in one word, I would definitely choose “amazing”. I had the time of my life …

How I felt about the summer internship at UNMC

One of our first-year BSc Psychology students, Andrea, had the opportunity to work with Dr. Jess Price over the summer to gain some relevant research experience after she successfully completed her first year. This is what she feels she gained from the whole experience. First off, I think the work was excellent. It was very …