Only an Illusory Comfort?
June 12, 2013
Other animals do not have it as easy as we do. To communicate a message (whether or not animals truly communicate is debatable, but that deviates from the objective of this post), they can only use their bodies and vocal cords, and they are completely reliant on other members of their species being able to …
Life of an Intern – Research in Neuroscience
May 15, 2013
I had the privilege of conducting my summer internship abroad at the UK campus with Dr Roger Newport. The 10 weeks spent on English soil was by far the most thrilling and enlightening adventure I have ever embarked on. The amazing landscape, the historical structures, the friendly people and the cold summer was an absolutely …
Differences as a Reminder
March 19, 2013
Putting on winter socks, shoes, scarf, and winter coat, then taking about a half-hour walk to the opposite end of the campus, taking off scarf and winter coat after getting a seat in class, sitting in a lecture with about 200 other students, then putting on scarf and winter coat again at the end of …
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